Author Topic: Japan Kamaishi  (Read 34653 times)

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Offline LWC82PE

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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #165 on: March 23, 2011, 12:19:51 am »
Google 'Unit 731' for an interesting eye opener. There are some films on it too ;) Not for the squimish though
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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #166 on: March 23, 2011, 03:44:27 am »
Let ye who has not sinned cast the first stone.

Just look around! Don't ever believe for a nano second that the western world is anywhere near being close to righteous or perfect. No-one should/can judge others on the basis of their religion or beliefs. Both sides firmly believe they are right and are willing to die for it. 3 sides to all stories, your's, their's and a truth which lay somewhere in between. This is a global issue and not the time for pointing fingers or digging up past atrocities. I commend the Japanese for their bravery and the sacrifices displayed in the face of such a monumental environmental catasrophe.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 03:46:21 am by Doc »


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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #167 on: March 23, 2011, 07:45:43 am »
WW2 ended 65 years ago. Sure the Japanese committed atrocities, but throughout history awful things have been done in the name of war by all nations so I think it's time we moved on.This isn't the place for rehashing the grievances of the previous generation. The Japanese people are our friends and right now they're hurting. They deserve our compassion, not the blame for another generations evil.

Let's not turn this compassionate thread into another slagfest destined to end up in the dungeon.


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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #168 on: March 23, 2011, 08:17:00 am »
Let ye who has not sinned cast the first stone.

Just look around! Don't ever believe for a nano second that the western world is anywhere near being close to righteous or perfect. No-one should/can judge others on the basis of their religion or beliefs. Both sides firmly believe they are right and are willing to die for it. 3 sides to all stories, your's, their's and a truth which lay somewhere in between. This is a global issue and not the time for pointing fingers or digging up past atrocities. I commend the Japanese for their bravery and the sacrifices displayed in the face of such a monumental environmental catasrophe.
+1 Well said.

For Japan WW2 was about incredible individual bravery and devotion to family and country - unparalleled and unequaled.  And about incredibly stupid leadership of the nation blinded by ego and greed - unparalleled and unequaled.

Some thing just don't change.


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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #169 on: March 23, 2011, 10:50:46 am »
How about we stick with the present. To quote an editorial I read " the Japanese people have third rate leadership but as individuals have behaved magnificently ".


Offline vmx42

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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #170 on: March 23, 2011, 11:03:52 am »
How about we stick with the present.


the Japanese people have third rate leadership but as individuals have behaved magnificently.

It is simply amazing the way people rise to the challenge in a crisis. It has been an inspiring common denominator in all the tragedies that nations have faced in the last few months. Watching individuals give selflessly, often to strangers, while demonstrating great compassion and bravery shows what we are really capable of.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could act like that all the time. If we could find leaders who could inspire those human traits instead of playing petty, devisive and selfish politics the world would really be a better place.

Yeah I know, but even an old bloke dream can't I?
When a woman says "What?", it's not because she didn't hear you, she's giving you the chance to chance to change what you said.

Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life down here…

"everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts"


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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #171 on: March 23, 2011, 11:25:12 am »
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could act like that all the time. If we could find leaders who could inspire those human traits instead of playing petty, devisive and selfish politics the world would really be a better place.

I am not wanting to debate this but in my own opinion John Key came pretty close to it in the way they have handled Christchurch, pity he surrounded by a bunch of chumps. Unlike the Japanese PM and Parliament who is no place to be found and contributing nothing.

On a lighter note my staff have their phones tuned in to the earthquake warning system, we get about 10 minutes warning of the after shocks when their alarms go off on their phones. Actually it is giving me the creeps, I prefer the mystery.


Offline EML

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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #172 on: March 23, 2011, 11:32:04 am »
 On a lighter note my staff have their phones tuned in to the earthquake warning system, we get about 10 minutes warning of the after shocks when their alarms go off on their phones. Actually it is giving me the creeps, I prefer the mystery.

That must be like making you wonder if you have to bend right over to kiss your arse goodbye or just halfway everytime an alram goes off.

Offline VMX247

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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #173 on: March 23, 2011, 11:33:33 am »
warning system alarms go off on their phones.

ahh,so thats how you get all the good vmxer's  ;D
cheers A
Best is in the West !!

Offline vmx42

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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #174 on: March 23, 2011, 11:50:11 am »
…in my own opinion John Key came pretty close to it in the way they have handled Christchurch, pity he surrounded by a bunch of chumps

And Anna Bligh came to the fore in the QLD floods, but as sure as the sun follows the moon, they will turn back in to politicians in the very near future.

I just reckon it is a real pity. They seem to be racing to the bottom of the barrel, wouldn't it be good to see one take the moral high ground. Boy would they stand out from the grubby masses.

But there has only ever been on Mandela - more is the pity.

P.S. and don't worry, just because the journos have moved on, the Japanese are still in our thoughts an prayers!!!
When a woman says "What?", it's not because she didn't hear you, she's giving you the chance to chance to change what you said.

Beam me up Scotty, no intelligent life down here…

"everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts"

Offline JC

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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #175 on: March 23, 2011, 01:32:39 pm »

But there has only ever been on Mandela - more is the pity.

Hear, hear!! What a giant of a man.


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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #176 on: March 23, 2011, 01:46:32 pm »

But there has only ever been on Mandela - more is the pity.

Hear, hear!! What a giant of a man.

A great statesman but a poor politician. He is in a similar mould to JC Smuts.

His (Mandelas) redeeming characteristic is that he despised the system not the people. As a politician he was completely outmonoevered by his deputy (Thabo Mbeki) he banned Mandela from cabinet meetings.

Pommie Barstad

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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #177 on: March 23, 2011, 01:53:37 pm »
I first thought to post this in the "Funnies" section, but realised that it was not the most appropriate place, even though I realise too that the jokes will start before the dust dies down, (or the tidal wave retreats to the sea - thanks Graeme!) and I laugh along with you all. But this is not a joke, and smiling all the time can make your cheeks hurt, so I thought you all might be interested in this email from me, shared with our friends, copying in another from one of our Japanese friends.

Many years ago, we acted as 'Host Family' to a succession of Japanese students who were coming to Keele University - only about 3 miles from here - for an intensive course in English.

It was fascinating to see just how much their conversational skills improved over the two-week period the students were with us and just how emotional they became when it was time to say goodbye!

We have stayed in touch with some of these students and after the terrible news from Japan, Jenny e-mailed a couple for whom we had addresses. Her mail is copied in below.

Although I think Yo would be embarrassed at his email being circulated, I think you'll share my fascination in reading it, not for heroics, not for being in the middle of it all, but for the way that life has been affected in Tokyo.

2011/3/17, Jenny Ryalls:
> Hi Yo and Yoshimi
> We have seen and heard so much over the past few days about the horrific
> events in Japan. The TV coverage has been wide and when you see the
> footage you wonder how the country and it's people can recover and
> rebuild. It all looks so dreadful, it's difficult to find words to
> describe it.
> We have been thinking of you both and hoping that you and your family
> and friends are ok. Tokyo appears to be unaffected but I'm sure you as
> people have been affected by what has been happening in your country.
> I wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts
> Love
> Jenny

Hi Jenny,

Thank you for your care. I am okay. My families and friends are also
okay. However, it was a hard long week since earthquake hit east

When earthquake hit east Japan last Friday, I was working at 37
floor's my office. Office kept on trembling 2-3 minutes like a small
boat in the storm. People never been panic, but the shake made some
people feel so sick. During the shake, I somehow walked to near the
window and saw trembling buildings as well. The view was really
unbelievable. At this moment, I remembered that I dreamt of terrible
earthquake and talked it to my wife Megumi a few months ago. In my
dream, many buildings around my office building fell down. And I
quickly called to Megumi's mobile, but she was already dying in debris
of her office building. Usually, I forget what I dream, but I remember
it because of a terrible nightmare. I really wished it does not come
true with watching outside from my office window.

After earthquake gone, I quickly tried to call Megumi's mobile, my son
Kazuma's nursery school and my parents home telephone. However all
lines already did not work at all. I can not remember how many times I
called, but I caught Megumi probably  30 minutes later at last. She
was okay. In addition, I could confirm Kazumi and my parents are safe
before I left office. Internet news told that all facilities of travel
were already stopped. Megumi's office is 10 minutes far from my office
so that we decided to meet and go home by walk together before sunset.
My office's elevators are also stopped. I went down fire escape from
37 floor to ground floor. Entrance of the building was full of people
who started to get home as well. Usually, commute to my office is 30
minutes by train and walk. However, we took about 5 hours to get home
by walk only. Because roads were full of people and cars all the way.
After I got home, I watched shocking TV news about Tsunami disaster at
north east Japan (Tohoku-area). I realized by news first time that the
earthquake was worst ever. I wanted to watch TV news but I got sleep
because I really gave out by walking 5 hours cold windy night.

In Saturday morning, I felt pains of my body and foots because of 5
hours walk Friday's night. But that was nothing really. Because more
bad news about nuclear power plant was announced. The situation of
nuclear power plant's trouble was getting worse weekend. At the same
time, power company announced the possibility of scheduled power
outage at whole east Japan including Tokyo metropolitan area from
Monday to end of April. Because the trouble of nuclear power plant
made power shortage at east Japan. At this stage, blackout was bigger
issue than possibility of radioactivity leak for me. My company's
facility was in the scope of blackout area. So I need to go and
support for blackout at the facility where takes 2 hours (single way!)
for commute from my home by train and taxi from Monday. All Japanese
never understood what was happening at nuclear power plant and how it
was serious yet.

In Monday morning, another confusion was happening on commuters.
Service of subway and train were not working fully by the influence of
power outage announcement so that subway station was flooded by
commuters. I could not enter even subway station grounds until 9:00
AM. You might think it is silly and crazy. But almost Japanese tried
to go to work on Monday as usual. Yes, I am one of them who tried as
no choice!

Until Friday, I was busy to respond planed blackout for my company.
Power company said it was planed, but it was not organized and
summarized. Where and when were unclear at all. So everybody confused
it. There was one night blackout by power line cut by storm when I was
child. But this time is completely different. There is no recovery
plan and until end of April. Only people can do is to save using
electricity. Nobody experienced and imaged how it was. Almost neon
signs in busy areas are off for saving power. Many shops and
restraints close by 7-9 PM. At the same time, all distribution started
stopping by the influence of earthquake. Rice, bread, milk, toilet
paper, tissue are almost out of stock at every supermarket. Petrol
started to run short these days. It makes more delay of all
distribution as vicious circle.

In fact, Thursday was my birthday, but I forgot about the date at all.
North east Japan area is like battle field by Tsunami disaster, but
Tokyo and other east Japan areas are like during a war. I know foreign
media like BBC, CNN, New York times tell more gloomy about nuclear
power plant's troubles. But Japanese government announced that nuclear
power plant got out of out of control this weekend somehow. Situation
is different from Chernobyl's nuclear trouble. The Japanese
self-defense force is currently working for preventing radioactivity
leak as much as possible.

That is the story of a week since earthquake. People are trying to
work for economic activities with many limitations. I also do go to
work and live my life as mush as possible. Because that is what I can
do for Japan. All Japanese must believe that Japan will overcome this
crisis. Life goes on whatever happens!

Take care,



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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #178 on: March 23, 2011, 02:42:05 pm »
That's a nice story Pom. It really brings home some of the effects of this disaster and how the average Japanese punter is handling it. Could you imagine any of us walking for five hours to get home? It's inconceivable.

Offline crash n bern

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Re: Japan Kamaishi
« Reply #179 on: March 23, 2011, 02:50:50 pm »
Could you imagine any of us walking for five hours to get home? It's inconceivable.

Even though we'd do that at a swapmeet without blinking.