Saw that ddr bike when it came in. The boys there are at least honest in their descriptions. It did need a fair bit of work.
I guess it comes down to whether someone wants to buy a good runner that only needs cosmetic work or do they buy a shagged thing cheap and then proceed to do it up. There is another recent thread about the cost to do something up. A lot of guys will buy a fully restored weapon for big dollars and enjoy their dose
of "waffle bum*". The other way is to buy a POS and rebuild from the ground up. The journey can be satisfying but the cost can sometimes end up around the same. More if you are talking bevel Ducatis.....
I would like to think that the 500cr is a "all the hard stuff's been done " kind of bike. Bling it up if that floats your boat or just ride it . Thanks for all the comments
* Waffle Bum- "The pattern you get on your arse from sitting on a milk crate in your shed drinking beer admiring the new bike you just bought"