Without knowing the mechanics of this particular situation or offering a yay or nay opinion....this is yet another example of the urgent need to start upgrading and clarifying the MoMs eligibility criteria. The more new divisions that enter the sport, the more inadequate the now 20 year old eligibility requirements appear. The revamp needs to be started as soon as possible.
Shane, Dave T, Ross and other MA officials, this is a serious situation that needs to be attended to ASAP. This is serious, long term committee work that must be done right, and to do that a 'Brains Trust' needs to be assembled to oversee and consider input from individual marque specialists. It's impossible for one person or even a committee to possess the knowledge needed to do this properly but I honestly believe that there are people within the vintage community who are experts in their own particular area of interest that can really contribute.
As it stands right now the rules for every division ranging from pre 60 right through to Evo and pre '85 feature double meanings, vague language and blatant mistakes. In some areas such as suspension, and carburetion for instance, the details need to be mapped out in 'what's in' and what's out' detail to make eligibility rulings a black and white situation...removing all of the grey areas.