Cut and paste from USA forums : i have no idea what it means but they use the word Iron in the same sentaence as Coatings, seems they are coating everything even Fork sliders in new coating these days, im not sure what the limitations are but if infact old niko was only ally maybe they have a new version that does all, but its referred still as a niko lining, well i still HNFI. MAybe they coat them in ali first then the Nikosil, prity confident it can be done though, even thought the trade sites are a bit vauge
forum Quotes:
- Bore in Nikasil is as large as 102, 103.1 with iron sleeve.
- Also the hot set up back in the day with the DT1 was a GYT Kit chrome bore with a base spacer and reciprical head milling ala Neil Keen. These days with Nikosil (wasn't available then) you can just mill the top of the GYT cylinder the same amount as the spacer.
-70.5, and 71 should all fit the stock cylinder with a niko coating, Bigger than that will require a thicker iron sleeve or a aluminum sleeve.
- Kanisil or Nikasil, although the abrasion resistance is less for Elnisil.