Meh ......... i have removed any i think are currently on the table.
Your probally right firko since that topic it would seem someone still has open wounds but slagging me off in follow me posts, childish yes. but certainly not informative or entertaining
maybe your refering to this jem, to quote " Get a life Freaky. Who gives a flying fart about copyright. Trust me when I tell you these things."
Great advice that . is that what your referring to as informative or entertaining ?
i then moved them to a more appriciate area , because it is a great pic that should be apprieciated, and yet he is still rattling on now in that area.
You saying he is still having a hissy fit and still carring an axe over the Hick's thing ? grow up FFS, he would want to do a shit load for motor cycling cause he is doing jack all constructive here.
And just to keep things factual for FACTUAL sake Firko i never used the word 'muslim' in that post, if you going to reread posts, reread both side and report fact not hearsay. the comment i would make regarding that post is after my response to yours in as you SAy 'my rights to respond to posts in the forum" when he couldnt hack the open opinions of the forum and thought he might like to weigh in on your behalf, thats when his knickers shall we say became twisted. I understand your standing up with your mate, but i think its time this game was finished, lifes too short for these personality to begin.
And come on do the research properly : reread ? how about the last 4 post, rigth click user, last four posts ? since the hicks thing they where all directly related to freaky or in topic. Take off the blinkers your a better person that that and im not stupid.