Odd 1 just put your money in an unmarked brown paper bag and sent it to the address below-we'll be in touch.
Seriously though, this event is like pulling teeth. The track at Echo Valley was almost washed away, this after the club asking for more rental money in case they needed to buy water so we could run.
We asked if we could run quads to pad the event in case we didn't get a full compliment of sidecars from down south, I thought we might need to bulk-up the event. This had to go to committee for approval before the regs could come out. The quads wanted to run 4 classes but ASA said only 3 could run-stale mate at this time.
The regs are due out and MA is good with the event going ahead. MQ are also good with it but were very addiment that no funds were available to assist with helping us build our sport-then announced the juniors and mini solos are to get more funds to sponsor their junior events?
The Toowoomba motocross club have been very keen at all points thus far and have agreed to prepare the track and run the canteen. We get to keep any gate takings so we are keen to push for spectators. To gain some air time on radio we are looking to run a 'celebrity slide', a one lap dash for local announcers to have a go at passengering for a lap for publicity, perhaps at an event before the spectacular to build interest. Still in the works.
We have sent the above 'Press release' to all moto mags and clubs including Rally style clubs in the effort to attract road going chairs to come and have a geez and camp over. Have had no responce yet so will try again this month. We also intend to have staic displays of other outfits from all aspects of sidecars including Road Racing, Trials, DirtTrack and Speedway just to build some profile for sidecars of all genre.
So, all things considered, we should have a great event come april 30 in Toowoomba.
If anyone has any other ideas or would like to assist in any way, please give me a call