What i dont get is there is an increasing number of guys like this in the motorcycle industry, whether its a big time business or just one guy on his own part time. Everything seems good, they show all their nice products on websites and forums, they please a few people, build up a bit of a good repuation and then they decide to start stuffing around every 3rd person, do the dirty on you and others, and rip you off or simply dont deliver and then just go quiet or ignore you and become impossible to contact or what ever and then they wonder why they get a bad reputation, eventually they go into hiding or disapear. Im quite disapointed because that Husky guy had some good stuff and he was doing some wonderful things with injection molding that he showed on the forum, i wanted to give him benefit of the doubt and hope he sorted things out with Mike but it doesnt look like its going to happen. I wanted to get some stuff off him but now that Mike has had problems and the HVA guy has done enough to get kicked of cafe husky then i dont think its worth the risk for me now, unless this guy comes out with a big sorry and a decent explanation as to whats been going on.