Again, if you need something like that...well there is just no way in hell it can really cost $111.00 to ship a grip. I can help if you can not get it in oz. I have offered this several times, but was only taken up on it once-by Glen, btw, you were so generous, the wife and I love the sweatshirts still.
I realize that I am in Texas, so big parts should go through the west coast of US. All I am saying is, I would be honored to help out any VMX brothers-and do not expect to stick you with bullshit cost to handle, hell send me a cool Oz vmx kind of decal and I am floored. We are not all attending tea parties and butt forking our underage cousins while watching nascrap. I have failed to locate some nos items requested, and reget that, but am always willing to send along from one of those sellers who is not only sickly nationalisitc, but fails to remember how Australia has fought side by side with the US in just about every major conflict since.. well you get the point.
Be well, James