Here we 'bout this..
a factory 'works' bike, say a 1974 RH250, now this bike is allowed in pre'75 is it not? The replica parts from this model are deemed to be quite desirable also and so far as I know (not a lot) no-one has ever made protest about replica or ridgy didge 'era' works bits.
Why then can't someone use twin leader from a works bike even if infact it's a replica? For all intents and purposes it apparently looks the part.
Where's the line drawn and who draws it?
Have all the guys who've purchased or fabricated RH replica airboxes, billet brake pedals, machined fork lowers or any non original part made their bike illegal? Factory or works bikes are allowed. Joe Blow who builds a bitsa can fabricate pretty much anything he likes so long as it remains within era yet this bike is a 1 off and never was it ever produced for the public.
In my eyes if the part looks the goods then where lies the problem? It's all about need to simply prove it existed within the era. Even if it is a works item or a replica thereof I can't see what grounds there could be for dispute if infact it appears correct