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Offline Drakie

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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2010, 11:59:18 am »
In Victoria we are moving towards Club Permit (Historic/Red Plate) registration for old enduro bikes. The Classic Scramble Club (I'm the new secretary) is authorised by Vic Roads to certify motorcycles 25 years old (soon to change to 30 y.o.) for use in club runs. Later this year there will be changes to the scheme to allow 90 days use per year with a log book; ANY 90 days.
Bikes have to have the original lighting equipment working (blinkers optional as I read it), muffler (94 db) horn and mirror. As they are historic the lighting must be period and not the latest styled fittings.
You will then be entitled to ride down the middle of town and on ANY road anywhere with the log book in your posession.
We have planning on the go to run an event around a country town (not Harrow) starting at the Parc Ferme/recreation reserve, ride through town into the DSE bush to a private paddock, do a 'special test', back through the bush, another 'ST', and so on and use the trails once only. Checkpoints, flipcards, scorecards, arrows etc will be like the enduros of old but the event will be non- competitive as the costs rise steeply for permits and licences.  If you want to keep note of your 'special test' time for comparison that's your business.
However, your bike will have to be Club Registered; no Rec Rego. You will be covered by the TAC anywhere.
While I realise take up will be slow and this style of event won’t replace the present ones on private land with unregistered bikes; it is the way of the future.
We (the CSC) are having a Club Registration day at Steve Juzva’s place in Castella on Nov 29th. Bring along your bike with working lights, horn, mirror and quiet muffler; join the club ($40), I will give you a letter certifying that your bikes conforms with the requirements and then go to Vic Roads with the paperwork, pay $110 at the counter and collect your red plate. Job done!
The only catch is that you will have to be a current financial member of the CSC ($40 renewal due 30/6 each year) to renew your Club Rego each year and Vic Roads havent decided on renewal fees yet.
When the log book comes in you can go trail riding anytime you like so long as you have filled out the logbook that morning; if not you will be booked for an unregistered vehicle.
How good is this? Get on it.

Offline ty4

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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2010, 05:23:58 pm »
will knobby tyres be a problem ( as in not for h/way use)?

will it be recognized interstate or Vic only ?

sounds grouse 8) ;D ;D

im in


Offline LWC82PE

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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2010, 05:55:32 pm »
They probably cant have 'Not for highway use' or NHS  'not for highway service' What Drakie has said sounds exactly like the Historic registration we have in SA. Bikes have to be 30 years or older, 90 uses a year and you have to carry the log book with you and fill it out BEFORE you go on a ride stating your destination or a general area your going riding, and the bikes have to mostly be original, period/look correct and the historic rego officer in the paricular club has to approve the bike first. There is also and ephasis on correct colour scheme and exhaust systems but im not sure if that is going to be a requirement in VIC. In SA the whole system is open to interpration though because there isnt really any specific rules for bikes, theres only the rules that have been written for the cars but thats what we have to use to apply it to the bikes. Its basically set up to prevent the hot rodders getting on Historic rego.
Wanted - 1978 TS185 frame or frame&motor. Frame # TS1852-24007 up to TS1852-39022


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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2010, 06:26:19 pm »
can any offroad bike compete in closed Vinduro events? As I read it, as long as it has a headlight and a tail light, horn and 1 mirror. Is this correct?


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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2010, 06:50:26 pm »

The events we have been running in NSW are as follows

Trail bikes

Trials bikes

Enduro bikes

All of the above should have a headlight and it does not require to be functional.

MX bikes are welcome. ( Headlight required and it does not require to be functional)

Generally our cut-off date for eligible bikes is 1985.(Bikes manufactured in or before 1985)

We elect to run Non competitive events as the the permits , resources and logistics associated with a full on vinduro are much greater than social/ non competitive events. We only have a small team of dedicated people to put our events and its already quite time consuming

We place great emphasis on a fun and social environment.

We have a preference for bikes with suitable quite mufflers , properly packed MX mufflers are OK.

So far our events have been alot of fun for the riders and organisers.



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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2010, 07:26:19 pm »
From a rider's perspective, I'd love to see a few competitive vinduros. It adds something to the challenge and I personally like to believe that it wouldn't ruin the fun, relaxed atmosphere of this style of event. It's up to the individual if he/she puts pressure on himself/herself to perform.
It's completely pshycological, but I find it easier to justify a 12 hour road trip for a real race rather than a social trail ride.  ;)
However............. I also acknowledge that it would increase the workload and the cost to all the great blokes and girls that organise these events for us to enjoy.  (Good to see Drakie did find a little bit of time for a quick ride at Harrow though.  ;D )
I also understand that turning vinduros competitive will make entry fees more expensive and for those that don't want to compete, that might not be accepted well.
So, in all that dribble, I've managed to sit firmly on the fence on what is best for the sport.
But for me, another chance to prove that I'm still a crap rider would be welcomed with open arms.  :D :D


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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2010, 08:17:05 pm »
thats great! My TY250a will be 'Vindurised' then!
Is there a calendar on the net? how often do you ride? and Where?


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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2010, 08:10:31 am »
The second NSW Vinduro / Poker Run will be week-end of the 23rd and 24th of October 2010.

Entry forms will be available soon on The Manly Warringah Motor Cycle Inc. website.

Rockley will be the venue.

As previously advised the loop was already very good and it had been vastly improved , as of last week-end we have planned a very interesting 4.0 Km extension taking the loop out to approx. 14.0 kM

Offline Tex

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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2010, 10:49:54 am »
When vinduros first appeared I was keen to see them become competitive. However I've changed my mind, as I think it would take something away, while increasing the cost.

Are you going to stop and spend 10 minutes helping another rider if you are racing? We are all gentlemen, but some people definitely take racing more seriously than others, just take a look at some other threads here. Running the non-competitive guys with the racers sounds dubious too. Already, one rider at Three Bridges had some young dickhead yelling at him to get out of the way...

The entry fees will increase, and by my understanding bikes will have to be scrutineered too.

As it stands with Victorian vinduros, there's a real "spirit" and sense of fun, and they are deliriously "hassle-free". There's a certain amount of unofficial competition already, with mates trying to beat each other and stuff like that. Having all the trappings of a real enduro, like special tests, timecards and the like really adds to the vibe too. And I like the fact that each club runs each event a little differently - keeps it interesting. My vote would be to keep the vinduro format exactly as is, but I'll go along with whatever the organisers decide.

this style of event won’t replace the present ones on private land with unregistered bikes

Phew! Sorry, but I've got no interest at all in registering my vinduro bike at this stage.


« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 10:53:39 am by Tex »

Offline Drakie

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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2010, 01:04:09 pm »
OK, here's the VicRoads rules.
A club permit can be issued to the following vehicles in the following categories:
             Classic & Historic vehicles manufactured after 31 December 1930, but more than 25 years before the date of the application for a club permit.
A club permit allows vehicles to be used:
•   in connection with official activities organised by an association approved by VicRoads, such as car rallies, or in the preparation of the vehicle for such activities
•   Club Permits are issued for 12 month periods and vehicles are issued with a specific club permit number plate.
•   Applying for a club permit
To apply for a Club permit you will need to complete a Club Permit Registration form together with:
•   in the case of a club historic vehicle that is not a street rod, a current certificate of roadworthiness or a letter from a scrutineer authorised by the club, stating that the vehicle is safe for use on the road
•   Club Permit fee - refer to Permits (Club, Rally and Unregistered Vehicle Permits)

I am the Secretary of the Classic Scramble Club and am empowered to scrutinise all bikes of club members wanting Club Permit Registration (a.k.a. CPR, Red Pate Rego, Historic Rego).
If you live interstate you can still be a member of our club (we presently have SA and Qld members) and apply for CPR.
The CPR entitles you to use your bike in CSC events, even as an invited club to interclub Vinduro events anywhere.
Your bike must be 'roadworthy' to use the roads (definition: operating headlight, tailight, brakelight, brakes, mirror, horn (bulb is OK), QUIET muffler. If your bikes came standard with knobby tyres I would argue that as they were registerable in their day with them, as an historic vehicle they are period correct.
VicRoads is presently tightening their Rereation Rego rules to have the licence plate mounted at a 45 degree angle underneath the taillight and I expect our historic bikes will be the same. Period lighting is a must.
Presently, if your bike is pre 1985 you can get it registered but the VicRoads proposal is to go the SA way and make it 30 y.o. by the end of this year although no official confirmation has come through yet from VicRoads.  This means your bike will then have to be a 1979 model or earlier.       
 GET IT REGO’D THIS YEAR.  (CSC CPR sign up day Nov 28, 9pm before the days ride, Steve Juzva’s place, 60 Campbells Creek Rd, Castella, Victoria)
Pay $40 CSC membership, collect your letter, go to VicRoads, fill out the form, present your letter, CSC card, give them $110 and get your CPR plate. Easy.

Victorian Vinduros for 2010 are: Ruffy Sunday week and Benalla Sept 26 and Juz’ above on Nov 28.

Having this CPR is fantastic as it opens so many event possibilities. When it goes to a 90 day logbook I’m going trailriding too! (Although I ‘test’ a bit now in the bush at Blackwood)
Personally, I’m resistant to competitive events as we cater for everyone’s pace now and those that want to race their mates (and push me into crashing my brains out at Harrow) can do so providing their results on any timed sections are kept to themselves.

Offline FourstrokeForever

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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2010, 10:20:24 pm »
$150 sounds like cheap TAC insurance to me Drakie. I do have a question though. For arguments sake, if I were to "Enduro-ise" an MXer and had the criteria of lights, horn etc, is that eligible for the club reg or is it that the bike must have been registerable in the first place?
Apart from all the associated permit costs and organising a timed competitive vinduro, I haven't read any mention of the need for a good spares supply for a race bike, as opposed to a ride bike. That alone is good enough reason to leave Vinduro at a social ride level as parts for most of our bikes are getting hard to come by....and ridiculously expensive.
I dont see any reason why a few mates couldnt line up at a special test and have turns timing each other though....thats being social. So is remembering to bring the stop watch!
Arrogance.....A way of life for the those that having nothing further to learn.

Offline dalesween

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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2010, 10:38:30 pm »
I agree, especially when rec rego gets you TAC cover for $67 a year.


Offline redrider1

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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2010, 02:52:12 pm »
The issue of available spare parts and bikes that may be required for competition maintenance is one of the factors I was interested in hearing about. It is amazing when you go from social riding to competition how the price of backup parts seem to triple. Would it be any different to what it associated with running a VMX bike though? Has the VMX competition become much harder over the last few years due to this factor? Fairly new to the VMX/Vinduro scene and keen to get involved in some of the riding events.

Offline the stig

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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2010, 07:56:02 pm »

   I agree with  Tex &  Dale the more relaxed it can be left the better .

                                   The Stig.



Offline Mike52

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Re: Vinduro competition
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2010, 09:07:57 pm »
Noel , Ive told some guys that you might be running a vinduro next year and the interest is there.
All are hanging out for a fairdinkum old time enduro , no bells or whistles.
Keep us posted.
Friend  struggling up a hill on a old bike at MTMee .