Thanks guys. The Ning site is going to cost from July 20, up till now it's been free. With the charges, we get a lot more disk space and some other neat features, so I'll buy the premium package. That's $500. This forum costs $250 per year. All up that's $750. As the Ning needs to be paid for soon, I put out a call for donations recently - thanks so much to those who've contributed. As Firko says I do it for the love of the sport and I sure don't expect you to have to contribute to use the site. But if you can spare a few dollars, it all helps. In this latest call for help I've received $375, which is just great. There is no 'right' amount. If you can spare $5 or $50, it's all good.
One thing I am contemplating is a shopfront feature that allows people to buy OzVMX merchandise - shirts, mugs, caps that sort of thing. I may do that to help raise some cash and provide something in return. We'll see.
Thanks again to all who have helped. And thanks to everyone for making the whole thing such an entertaining and interesting community.