The easy way to do it is find some aluminium in annealed O condition, make a female MDF/plywood buck* then fold/bend/lay cardboard over it to get an idea on what shapes the flat sheet will be cut into. Then you can beat or slap into the shapes and use clamps etc to hold it on. I have seen a repetition buck where copper,brass or steel or such bungs were inserted into the buck to make tack welding easier.
As firko said would be a job for the very patient, I would imagine 'coffin' style tanks to be far easier and the more compound curves the difficulty would rise exponentialy. I would imagine first attempts would be pretty rough, I would be tempted to perfect the techniques with thin steel/aluminium
* a buck is like a female 'skeleton' of the finished item, they look like airplane fuselage's before they are sheeted.