Firstly, MA VMX rules are set by vintage riders, either on the State or National boards. If anyone wants a rule re-interpreted they need to put a submission in to their local vintage board.
As for the Evo rules, I can see both sides. My Evo bike I guess is illegal. It has 1983 CR250 forks on it, a 1981 swingarm, 2006 Mikuni carby, 2007 DG pipe, 1989 reeds, 2006 2 pack paint, 19" rear rim, 2007 tyres, Husky shocks. I only did these modifications to make it a better bike to ride and to me it is in the spirit of the era, but as I've discussed with Firko over our monthly beer and bullshit session, where do you set the limits. I agree with him to an extent. I've seen a 1982 CR480 with 2 shocks welded on the back which I certainly don't agree is in the spirit of the era, the problem is that everyone has a different view on what's right and what's wrong so there needs to be a limit as to how far we can go either way. To keep them totally OEM is rediculous, as is open slather.
If you followed the rules to the letter I could run my 1983 forks on a 1987 Husky but not on my Honda because it is off a later model bike. Where does it stop? I don't have an answer, but I certainly have no interest in riding my bike stock because half the fun of being involved in VMX is playing with the bikes