Hey Geoff,silly question. A few years back i had to get an exhaust and muffler apart (car)
I used my oxy/ac and as usual you run out of one of those,in my case oxygen.
I used my compressor to fill the oxy bottle with only compressor pressure and it got me out of trouble
The flame looked the same but the time to heat the pipe/join was way longer.
i'm wondering if its because of the actual compressor pressure instead of the very high bottled pressure.
I wonder if its the same when using LPG which a lot of tradies are using ie soft cock tight arse plumbers
that drive gaylux's and go fishing on the days that end with DAY (mainly a few of mates)
I also tried the same in desperation when i had one last weld to do with the TIG.
A one second trial convinced me it was no good for TIG welding.
That last 1 inch of weld on a fuel tank cost me a $120 bottle of argon...damn that hurts plus the rental for the next unused months.
I used BOC for a couple of years and gave them the flick and use Supagas...rental about the same but the refill is a few bucks cheaper.
The whole gas rental/pricing is a rip off in my view.