Pictured is a ratty old MX250 wheel that I'm going to rebuild for my Cheney. I have a number of questions regarding the wheel that need some expert replies.
1: What model Yamaha is the pictured backing plate from?
2: I would like to use the backing plate in conjunction with the MX hub instead of the original floating hub, purely because it looks less busy and doesn't require the brake stay. I merely have to weld a male plate to the inside of the swingarm to accept the female slot on the backing plate....much neater. Now the question..is there any advantages or more importantly, disadvantages in using this setup over the original floating brake?
3:Does anybody have a complete MX250/360/SC500 back wheel with
straight and uncracked mudcatcher rim? A rim by itself would do as well.
The pictured wheel was my spare dirt track wheel from the 'DT1 from Hell' (
as you can see by the Bridgestone wet weather slick) and unfortunately it's not as nice as I'd remembered after being buried in the garden shed for 15 years. I've ordered new spokes from Thailand but now need a nicer rim fairly urgently.