Tony, I've used Progressives on a couple of Suzukis. They work. Just not very well. But they will do the job of keeping the seat off the tyre, and as long as you don't go too fast should be fine. The ones I've used had very poor damping and it was next to impossible to get them right as they came. Preload enough to get them firm enough for racing and they had too little rebound damping, soften them off to make it more controllable and they would bottom everywhere. Plus they blew seals twice in 6 months when being used on my racebike - an RM400. So, they are a sub $200 shock. if you set them reasonably soft and ride at a generally moderate pace on the trails, they should be OK. Might not last forever, tho. On the other hand, there may be better options for the money. I give them 4/10.