hello all. From Sunny Wandin Vic.
was recomended this Forum from Dirtbikeworld.net.
i'm in my early 40's, Ive not ridden in about 10years & have just started getting back into riding..
Mostly like trial riding. Most of my experience is on 2 stroke thumpers, & seeing That most newer bikes are way outa my price range ,i decided to go back to the old school bikes,
here's what i bought in the last few months.
1977 RM250 (100% original Like New)
1980 IT465 (IN EC just needs a clean up)
1983 IT490 (100% original Like New)
1980 XT250 (Free from a Mate, Mech A1 rest is rough)
Am Restoring The XT atm So been busy Sourcing Parts.