Long overdue update!

(Crap photo because our camera died, so this was taken with my bat-phone).
Lost motivation for a while there - mostly because work has kept being stupidly busy and I arrive home exhausted most evenings. Seeing one of the two other guys at work who do the same thing as me put a router into his thumb, and put himself off for a fortnight, its been super busy.
Anyhow, there's been some trials and tribulations since the last post:
1. The MX gearset I've got doesn't fit into the MX cases I've got - when the cases are bolted together, they lock the gearbox solid. This happens with either or both shaft in place.
Lacking time to sort it out, I slapped a well-used DT250A motor into it. Its not rad or sexy, but it will work (I hope!). I also discovered that the top rear mount is too wide on the DT motor, due to the rubber mounting - of course, you only discover this after you've painted the bloody thing. Some careful hack-saw work had it under control.
Has been fitted with the MX ignition, 34mm carb and MX pipe, so it should still go OK.
2. The forks needed more work than I wanted to think about - or have time for... so I've 'borrowed' the forks & front wheel out of my DT125.
3. The tank was put into the too-hard basket, and I simply fitted a nice DT tank that came in the pile of bits from Jim - well, after welding in an MX filler neck (eagle-eyes might notice the MX cap and DT tap in the photo). After I did it, I realised that there's a simpler, quicker, neater way to fit thescrew-in cap to the DT tank.... Oh well, there's always next time, right?
4. Rear guard is awful... but should do the job!
5. Poverty forced me to fit a TT500 rear wheel that was ear-marked for my DT250, as I don't have the cash spare to buy a new sprocket to suit the MX wheel (TT wheel is same as YZ250A etc, so is pre-75 legal, BTW).
6. The flywheel removal (from the donor motor) was a nightmare. I owe Marty from Wright's Motorcycles a big thank you for his efforts, easpecially as I dumped the jobon him this morning, expecting it to be 5 minutes work...

There's been a few 1am finishes and other such idiocy, but it might even make it to Broadford this weekend - and if it doesn't make it to Broadford the following weekend, then I'll be very unhappy.
The good news is that it fired on the first kick - but did not start. Getting it to run is a job for tomorrow evening.
I'm suspicious of the carby (seems like the float level is too high and/or the needle & seat is leaky), and there's some wiring to tidy up.
Beyond that, there's just a couple of little things to do: Fit the LHS hand grip (after the bar is plugged), mount the CDI box, and a few other trivial things.