Hi Crash, I think in one way you're asking the wrong question. Probably 70% of the often over inflated prices that Simon's forks reach on eBay is due to their hop-up cachet, as the trickest forks available at certain time-points. And ironically, these time-points don't necessarily tie up with the way that the 'eras' are divided up. So maybe you need to start with your bike and the class structure that you are working to. As an example, the 12 inch travel versions may be only legal where you are for 78-on...and assuming that class end date is a couple of years later, many factories had caught up with Simons by then. And that's without further improving those with modern technology. So unless you're building a year-specific bling machine, eg a '77/78 RM or '78/79 CR when obviously nothing can beat the power of those uber cool stickers, in my opinion its really difficult to justify paying so much for possibly less performance.