Decided to look at Building this Pre 70 thing the other day and pulled out a 360 motor, Now 2 parts to this question.
After removing the head and then trying to lift barrel nothying happened, proceeded to try ever increasing blows with a drift and still no movement exept fo the 2 fins that broke off on the bottom.
Must only be stuck on the case surface, but i coulndt find the heat gun to try to excite it that way.
Part A - how the hell do i get the barrell of without doing any more damage.
Part B - motor has no serial numbers, but it wasnt till i had given up and put it back on the shelf next to another one that i noticed it was differant to the Other RT1, but please dont tell me i just beat the shit out of a rare RT2mx barrell, ( yes its on standard clean bore too
there are no casing on the barrel, no decomp and its not YZ cause its Piston port so whats left ?
any internal way to tell what the motor is ? clutch basket isnt YZ so im sticking to RT somting ..... ideas anyone. NUmber area is blank and flat surface not ribbed.