Broadford it is this time. Barrabool is fine too and old Ravenswood with its poor gritty surface, ruts, rocks mud dust and sections of half a sidecar wide goat tracks was and still is a buzz.. So I be throwing out some feelers, if anybody would be wanting to try being a sidecar passenger,we will most likely need a mug. oops I mean a healthy sound minded individual to assist in the piloting of a very home made Honda outfit. Please bear in mind the last time my elder son raced this machine he flipped it and crushed more than 7 bones in one foot ...I have made some improvements like it has now brakes, sort of, and slightly more useless crap suspension and I have bronzed up (or painted over...)about thirty cracks and brakes on the frame so yep shes ready to go. PM me Tim754............ but then again it might just do some laps at the Bike Bonanza....