I would have no chance going through a shop trying to find info about a spring.
Conversation with shoppe,
Ji;I need to know what Ohlin springs will fit my shocks
Shoppe; What bike is it for
Ji;A Maico
Shoppe; What
Ji;It does not matter I just need to know what springs are available for these Ohlins shocks
Shoppe; What size do you require
Ji; 200mm to 210mm long, 20-22N/mm rate linier not progressive with a 46mm ID
Shoppe; I will get back to you.
The answer would not be right and would take six weeks.I ended up talking to Ohlins US and they sent me the spring chart with in a few days and refered me to their vintage MX service guy. Great Service Ohlins US, why can we not have the same service here in Austraila?