Talkin to a bloke at work a while back about old dirt bikes. He off handedly mentioned that he hadn,t owned a dirt bike in 30 years BUT !!! happened to have a pair of almost new FOX AIR SHOCKS sitting in his garage. Trying not to appear overly excited I casually asked if he would like to sell them and if so how much???!!!! Oh about $300 was his casual reply. " I,ll take them off your hands" I replied back while trying to hold my over excited composure. As I recalled seeing a pair sell on Ebay last year for US $1200.. Anyway what I would like to ask anyone who has a set is much air pressure do I put in them,bearing in mind that I weigh 95kg on a good day, and I would like to be able to pillion my missus on my Bully Frontera and she weighs about 55kg , regards lyle