When I disassembled the forks there was no washer/spacer between the seal and the snap ring. I didn't take photos but it seems like the seal and snap ring were basically touching when I took the forks apart.
I used OEM seals and drove them all the way to the bottom of the seal bore which left about 2mm of space between the seal and the snap ring. Is that the way it should be?
The parts lists online don't show a washer/spacer on the C2 fork, but there is one on the "B" fork. I wonder if the parts lists are incorrect, it seems all the parts websites use the same illustration.
Also, upon disassembly, there was no o-ring at the swing arm pivot, only a thrust washer inside the outer cup. Is there supposed to be an o-ring there? Again, the parts lists don't show one but the Clymer manual suggests there should be.
Thanks for your help!