Go the OTS Wrist lacer. The lacing allows you to fine tune how tight you want to wear it and acts as a very good brace itself when it is done up with the alloy plate that is supplied with it. It will come with interchangeable wedges to suit how far you want your wrist to move backwards. It's a very well made product that has shown no deteriation in the years I've had it. AND IT WORKS.
35 years ago I broke my scaphoid bone. Had it screwed together. Shattered it to pieces a year later. Had a plastic scaphoid transplanted. Snapped it in half five years ago. The bones in my wrist have calcified and are just chalk now. They recommend I get my wrist fused thus allowing no movement whatsoever. This brace allows me to ride a bike with about a quarter the pain that I would have if not using it.
Would I have broken my wrist in the first place if i was wearing this brace? No, I don't think so.