Don’t even bother wasting your time with easy-outs, they will only give you more grief. They can be good for bolts that happen to snap for no real reason but anything that is frozen in they won’t be able to budge as the torque needed to move a frozen bolt will be greater than the tensile strength of the easy-out.
This is also the problem with the bolt’s, they deteriorate over time, especially around exhausts, so the torque needed to move a frozen bolt will be greater than the tensile strength of the bolt itself.
If you can get a spanner on them just turn them till they break.
Use a cold chisel if possible, welding onto them can be good but that usually only works if the head is rounded, if the bolt is frozen from shitty threads then it is most likely the remains will snap.
Once you get the manifold off then find yourself a right angle drill if necessary and drill and re-tap them.
Once you drill out the centre, the remains usually start to fall out and tapping them becomes easy.
I have also seen left hand drill bits for this, it drills them out and if the drill happens to grab then it will undo the remains.
Spend your money on quality drill bits, starting with a pilot hole (small) which you can drift around if necessary to drill in the centre.
My preference for pilot drills are ‘Shortie’ No 20 or No 30 drill bits by Sutton
Short drill bits flex less and help you stay on track, also use a lubricant on them to keep them fresh.