I just blew up my mculloch chain saw, i pullled it down ( probally only 10 hours since new and the piston is rooted on the ex side and has dragged the barrell with gouges. What i cant see is any sleeve or lining in the barrell, it looks to be just stright alloy, not even a coating? im wondering if they just missed mine on the production line or what. the mower man says it has one, but yet he cant show it too me so i think he fishing on what hes seen previously not what he can see, if it has any kind of coating its in the material as there is nothing on the top surface.
The barrell looks like it was made out of ali cans, and the pistons not much better, havent got back to me with price of a barrell yet, but me tinks its all over red rover, and be cheaper to buy one of them china copies and save me dough...... :'(