Author Topic: Election Result  (Read 19664 times)

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Re: Election Result
« Reply #75 on: November 27, 2007, 10:30:38 pm »
I know it's a tad off topic but as someone who was lied to by two seperate government departments, thirty years apart about the dangers of asbestos, I have to stand back helplessly watching two good mates with whom I served my aprenticeship slowly die from the effects of the stuff. I humbly salute Bernie Banton and all that he stood for. A true working class hero.

All Things 414

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Re: Election Result
« Reply #76 on: November 28, 2007, 08:39:20 am »
I've been so wrong. Thanks for showing me the true path........

Offline DJRacing

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Re: Election Result
« Reply #77 on: November 28, 2007, 04:09:47 pm »
All things 414, to true about the general discussion(which I totally agree with and enjoy) but, all I read in this thread is a bunch of whinging people about the old government and a bunch of people whinging about the new government. Yeah I know thats politics, and I myself like a good discussion on the subject but, as I stated before, and you used my quote, I stand by what I say. I never stated not to discuss politics but, that their are maybe better subjects to debate. Tell me where I went wrong with what I said and I will humbly apologize. All I have said is that in some way they are all bad but, if for some fluke they get it right for most of the people then I will change my view and tip my hat to them. Just remember that when you put your hand into your pocket and you feel another already in there, its not mine. ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Election Result
« Reply #78 on: November 30, 2007, 08:21:31 pm »
If some of you guys need a reality check (which I reckon you do), look at the front page of the Sydney Daily Telegraph today. We have the outgoing Prime Minister*, the filthy lowlife scum John Howard, shaking hands with the incoming Prime Minister, the filthy lowlife scum Kevin Rudd*, handing over the keys to this great nation.
No suicide bombers, no assassinations, no bombings, no uproar, just a civilised handshake and walk off into the distance and hand over to the new master.

What a wonderful country we live in, that photo makes me so proud of who I am and what we all are.

* Your opinion, not mine

Wake up and smell the roses boys, we are blessed.

Mark Austin

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Re: Election Result
« Reply #79 on: November 30, 2007, 09:17:30 pm »
Very deep Comrade Magoo...

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Re: Election Result
« Reply #80 on: November 30, 2007, 10:13:56 pm »
No no no no!
Magoo is posting and I can't disagree.

On the bright side, I finally get to disagree with my fellow YZ125 lovin' weirdo, DJR.
The good thing about telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said.

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Re: Election Result
« Reply #81 on: December 02, 2007, 06:04:24 pm »
NathanS good to see your alive and posting ;D. Which part do you disagree with? Thats its my hand? or that 'life is what you make it' thinking that I have, whoever the government of the day is? or that I am a yz125 lovin weirdo? :o
If at first you dont succeed, give up and drink beer


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Re: Election Result
« Reply #82 on: December 02, 2007, 08:20:45 pm »
If some of you guys need a reality check (which I reckon you do), look at the front page of the Sydney Daily Telegraph today. We have the outgoing Prime Minister*, the filthy lowlife scum John Howard, shaking hands with the incoming Prime Minister, the filthy lowlife scum Kevin Rudd*, handing over the keys to this great nation.
No suicide bombers, no assassinations, no bombings, no uproar, just a civilized handshake and walk off into the distance and hand over to the new master.

What a wonderful country we live in, that photo makes me so proud of who I am and what we all are.

* Your opinion, not mine

Wake up and smell the roses boys, we are blessed.

I don't talk politics or religion cos they both give me the shits , But as Magoo rightly says we are blessed and it is easy to take for granted that we were all fortunate to be born in the free world.

On a VMX note i was thumbing through some old classic bike mags recently and i came across a report of the legends race at Namur in July 89. All the greats were there , Jeff Smith , Dave Bickers , Decoster , Robert , Hallman , Lundin , Aberg etc etc,  but the race report acknowledges the absence of the great Paul Frederich's 3 times world champion and open 2 stroke pioneer. The report goes on to say that the GDR would not let uncle Paul out of the GDR for the event.

Now this event was held in July 1989 and as history shows in Nov that year that pinnacle of human oppression (the Berlin wall ) was breached for ever and democracy was restored to millions of oppressed soles in the East.

I keep a small piece of that monument to Tyranny that i knocked off myself in my trophy cabinet , and when ever i think I'm getting a raw deal i take inspiration from that small block of concrete and apprecate how good Ive got it and always had it.

Offline GD66

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Re: Election Result
« Reply #83 on: December 02, 2007, 08:38:32 pm »
 Damn right Bill, and others who have observed the quality of life we are privileged to share and enjoy, I feel this is regularly reflected in the ongoing positively-charged atmosphere in which the vmx world operates, that thread that ran recently based on Where Are All The Old Guys, or similar, uncorked a volley of disparate but benevolent suggestions, and showed that by and large, contributors from all over the joint just want us all to work together to make sure we, and all our friends, have a good time on old bikes. So we can assume that plenty of us appreciate our fortunate lives, well done lads.
 Also Bill, speaking of Jeff Smith, I note with interest he is heading your way for meetings in Wanganui and Nelson, make sure you get along and see him ride, but also hear him chat, cos not only is he still quick, and smooth as silk, but has a vault of fabulous grand prix mx yarns that appears bottomless, he is great value and still an excellent ambassador for the sport. Last time he raced in NZ (I think it may have been in 1970), he and Dave Bickers tied on points for the summer series in which they raced, so shared the trophy by hacksawing it in half down the middle, figuring that the individuality of the half-trophy each would have received would have made it an excellent talking point. Sadly, the series organisers didn't share their viewpoint, and took the news rather sulkily. However, that trophy has never re-appeared, and Smithy is pretty keen to get hold of it, so maybe you could get the deerstalker hat on and find out where it may be ?
Nostalgia's not what it used to be....

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Re: Election Result
« Reply #84 on: December 03, 2007, 09:49:02 am »
Now this event was held in July 1989 and as history shows in Nov that year that pinnacle of human oppression (the Berlin wall ) was breached for ever and democracy was restored to millions of oppressed soles in the East.
What a load of bull. The pinnacle of human oppression was it? You are from New Zealand, right?


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Re: Election Result
« Reply #85 on: December 03, 2007, 11:13:04 am »
Now this event was held in July 1989 and as history shows in Nov that year that pinnacle of human oppression (the Berlin wall ) was breached for ever and democracy was restored to millions of oppressed soles in the East.
What a load of bull. The pinnacle of human oppression was it? You are from New Zealand, right?

No i am not FROM New Zealand , luke i am lucky enough to live in New Zealand , so do i take it you support the Red Set  Comrade

Offline 500Fool

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Re: Election Result
« Reply #86 on: December 03, 2007, 02:50:06 pm »
 >:(It didn't take long, they were sworn in this morning and now there's talk of interest rate rises, fuels going up,  :o Hasn't rained since the election, roofs going rusty........................bastard Labour,  :-[ their to blame for everything. That's unless you blame Al-qaeda, bastards changing the climate, or those bloody migrant refo bastards, taking good $2.70 an hour jobs from us true ossie bludgers. Labour, they already have a lot to answer for, soon all farmers will be on collective farms and all bosses will be castrated, heads shaved and made to clean trains with toothbrushes. ::) It's all coming (That's what they said if the silver budgie got in) just wait and see.

Some of you need a bex an a lie down


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Re: Election Result
« Reply #87 on: December 03, 2007, 04:12:45 pm »

Some of you need bex an a lie down
It's spelt with an 's' Fool  ;D.

But it take two to tango  ::)

Offline 500Fool

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Re: Election Result
« Reply #88 on: December 03, 2007, 06:05:12 pm »
But it take two to tango  ::)

I'll get my dancing shoes on ol fella. ;D

Bloody Labour, hasn't rained since the election now two hours after they're sworn in the shed floods, bastards.