In 1985 the crankcases significantly changed on the SC(SuperCross) 250’s, distinguishable by the move to one front engine mounting bolt instead of two as on the 84 model. There are also numerous subtle transmission improvements in the 1985 model as noted by the differences in the part number listings between 1984 and 1985. 1986 saw the 250 have another massive increase in HP with the introduction of the diaphragm operated exhaust power valve. The 1986 model was also the first year that rear single shock suspension actually matched the ability of the brilliant ’84’85’86 front suspension. The front fork stanchions and damper internals also share the same part numbers for the years of 84 85 86, except for the lower alloy sliders of course which changed when Maico introduced the disk brake front end on it’s 1984 and a 1/2 models as a factory option.
Maico never waited or sat back to the end of any year to put new innovations into production. Indeed there are many so called “half models”! Just a few for
example; -The 1974.5 with it’s LTR suspension.
-The 1975.5 “New Generation” transmission.
-The 1979.5 400 and 440 models introduced the new lightweight
Crankshafts mid year, whose part number then became common to all
future 400 440 Magnums, Mega Two and Alpha One 490 models.
-The Mega Two that introduced the stronger twin side plated "roundback"
back bone frames, that don't crack, in that area.
Incidentally when Australia and United states got the “Sand spider” in 1983, Germany got the same bike but it was called the “Alpha Two” there.
Then Australia ended up with the "GME" while the US ended up with the "M STAR", and now finally we all have MAICO's again.
Regards Mick.