Good Afternoon..
My name is kevin. I would like to join your forum for a number of reasons.
I grew up in Kingsgrove, frequenting the Brick Pits in Garema circuit, Kingsgrove, in the late 1960's and early 1970's. I have many memories of that place, but, rather than go off on a tangent about my youth, I woul like to provide you with some details about why I would like to join.
My best mate of 46 years, Graeme Barwick, was Mr. Motocross in 1971, and his father, Ray, had his services engaged by VICTA to develop the VICTA racing engine. Graeme still has the original engine and the blueprints for it. He is currently in the USA competing in the WOrld Vintage Go Kart racing championships.
Graeme's father, Ray, introduced into Australia, one of the very first mini bikes, and owned the Bike Shop in Wollongong Road, Arncilffe. Ray was the founder of the Illawarra Mini Bike Club which started in the Brick Pits at Kingsgrove, then moved out to Menai.