Guys I was being facetious and was trying to point out that more oil does not give more power otherwise all the factories would have fitted pumps and run them wound to the stops.
The oil in a two stroke plays a very small part in combustion and a very large part in lubrication.
If you were able to get your hands on a better oil then you would be able to use less of it.
If you guys were to run the synthetic oil I am using at ratio I am putting in my WATERCOOLED WR in your aircooled bikes then they would go
Then some bright spark would say " that oil is no good or you had your ratios wrong , more is better " when the fact is that the oil I am using was designed for watercooled 2/strokes at higher ratios and you would be insane to use it in an aircooled engine
Back to the little TS90.
I have hotted these up and the rotary valve plays a large part.
100 cyl and piston , altered rotary valve and a decent pipe [remove the oil pump and the oil slinger on the c/shaft ] and you have a little bike that produces more power than a standard TM 125 but is so hard to ride fast. [ short wheel base is fun though ]