The Husky looks to be taking first place at the moment. I have a nice '77 390AMX on the way now, plus the '77 360 engined CR and I do like my Husky's. The Can Am is fast but a bit revvy for my style and it would probably be a shame to take the KX out of the "museum" and ride it. I raced a mag 250 a few years back, liked it but I reckon the '73 engine has a wider power spread and is a bit more versatile. There's still a while to go and no doubt I'll probably change my mind a few more times. It won't be an Elsinore even though there's a couple here, I don't have a TM but there may be a silver & red bike in the pipe line. The Phantom & Monty have new homes. Then again I could always go for a big bore. I used to indecisive, but now I'm just not sure! Thanks for the input guys, it's interesting for sure.