As I've described in the wanted section, the spark on my TM400 has gone missing in action. I've had little experience with Suzukis so I'm not very up with what parts are interchangable between models. I've got two TM250's and a PE400Z that I can temporarily borrow parts from so before I start dismantling bikes I'd prefer not to, my questions to the Suzuki brains trust are...............
*Will the TM250 stator and fit the TM400 without any major reengineering?
*If so, will the TM400 rotor work with the 250 stator? The reason I ask is that my TM400 rotor has been fitted with a 'Skunk Works' external flywheel weight and would like to keep using it.
*Will the PE coil work with the TM CDI?
*Will the PE stator/rotor fit the TM400 cases?
I'm desperate to get this thing running for CD8 for a bikeless komrade to use.