Greenhouse emissions, global warming, climate change ,earthquakes everywhere,,...blah blah blah ,. FACT..Scientists have already stated that the world has actually cooled down over the past few years. Bloody Gillard and her carbon tax, what a load of crap. FACT.. If Australia was to stop emmiting greenhouse gases today then China would replace our Carbon emmisions in 9 months as they are currently building one coal fired Power Station every week. Global warming, look at the history of the earth,yes folks the Earths climate does actually change from time to time. Ancient Egypt and the pharoahs came to an end because of 300 years of drought, don,t you people watch the discovery channel??? And as for Earthquakes, I lived on the Island of Sumbawa in Indonesia for 7 years and we had tremors over there almost every day of the week. If the world is truly coming to an end as the doomsday prophets are continually spruiking, then why even worry about. I mean REALLY whats the point?