I started on this bike 18 months ago, but now have 2 grandkids keeping me busy with other bike projects so this one has to go. The frame and swing arm have been sand blasted, inspected and painted. Had new swing arm bushes made up. Has 76 forks fitted at present, but the 74 ones come with the bike. Both rims are there and straight. Tank has a couple of small dings and the inside is rusted. No fuel tap. No side covers or front guard. The rear steel guard is there, but needs straightening. The air box and exhaust are there. The motor is there complete, turns over freely and selects all gears. Has some (read little) compression. Carbie is there but looks like a bitsa. The rubber reed block is perished.
My dog chewed the wiring from the case. I think I can locate the coil, but that's it for electrics. The kick start is NOT welded on, but the gear lever is. Has bars and a couple of lever perches as well. Probably a few other bits floating about as well (oil tank etc)
Bike is located in Brisbane (north) for pickup. Would love to finish it, but grand kids take precedent.