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Messages - jas150

Pages: 1 [2]
The Club Bultaco Australia annual rally 2009 will be held at the usual site "Riverdale", near Braidwood NSW 14-15 November (most attendees turn up on Friday). If travelling from the west (Canberra) along the Kings Highway to the coast cross the bridge over the Shoalhaven River (~13km west of Braidwood), drive another 3km then turn left onto Larbett Road (the only asphalt road for miles). If coming from the east (Braidwood) drive ~10km west of Braidwood and turn right onto Larbett Road. Drive along Larbett Road for ~7km until the asphalt stops at a shallow concrete creek crossing (may or may not be flowing) then cross into "Riveredale" 200m after the creek. Follow the dirt road for 1km then turn right into the "Riverdale" homestead. Plenty of camping sites available but no electricity - BYO everything. A bush toilet is available plus water from taps; bathing in the Shoalhaven River is only 100m away and should be good at this time of the year. Usual events will be held - drag race, slalom race, slow race, ride-the-plank plus trail ride, bike judging (usual classes) etc. Register at the rally site, price to be determineed (~$25). Non members welcome (can join at the rally) as long as they have Bultaco or other Spanish bikes. For more information 'ph El Pres Tony at (02)62380696 (ah) or John at (02)62916446.

Competition / Re: Bultaco Rally 2007
« on: September 10, 2007, 10:09:32 pm »
Sorry "Old Phill", I went on the offensive in defence of what I thought was an attack on Bultaco. I guess I owe you a few beers and an apology.

Competition / Re: Bultaco Rally 2007
« on: September 09, 2007, 11:52:48 am »
Who the hell does "Old Phill" think he is publicly abusing Big Tony, Tony S and Jennie? Big Tony has put in an immense amount of time and effort to create Club Bultaco Australia, produce a bi-monthly (now quarterly) magazine and organise an annuul rally for the last 9 years for the enjoyment of hundreds members. Tony S. and Jennie actively support OZVMX and have provided countless seats, mudguards, side panels, air boxes etc. for the restoration / repair of all brands of bikes. What has "Old Phll" ever done to promote motorcycling except by trying to destroy the reputation of fellow motorcyclists? I suggest he does stay at home and "shovels dog shit", this is all he is fit for!

Spaniards (Bultaco, Ossa, Montesa etc) / CLUB BULTACO AUSTRALIA RALLY 2007
« on: September 01, 2007, 03:55:00 pm »
Just a short note to let all Bultaco enthusiasts know that there will be a rally this year (2007), on 3-4 November at Braidwood, NSW, same place as before (~10km east of Braidwood on the Kings Highway to Canberra, turn north onto the Larbet Road (asphalt) and drive for ~7km, cross a small stream then follow the dirt road for another 2km until you come to "Riverdale" homestead then just follow the signs). This year it will be very low key - no trophies etc. and cost will be only $10 per head. Plenty of room to camp and the Shoalhaven River is flowing nicely 100 metres away so you can have a good tub after a days riding. There is a bush toilet. BYO everything. Montessa and Ossa enthusiasts are welcome. For further info 'phone John on (02)62916446. Please tell all your mates. Families with young riders welcome.
See ya there!

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