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Messages - jas150

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Club Bultaco Australia will be running it's annual Spanish Motorcycle rally 2025 at Captain's Flat, NSW 11-14 April. Open to all brands of Spanish bikes so dust off those Bultacos, Ossas, Montesas, Gas Gas, Sherco etc and come along for a family oriented rally. Plenty of camping sites. local accommodation and meals are available at the Captain's Flat hotel ~7 Kms away. Head to Captain's Flat from Queanbeyan or Bungendore and look for the big BULTACO sign on the L/H side of the road. BYO everything. A porta-loo will be available, washing is in the creek / river. For more information contact John Somerville by email [email protected] or 'phone (02)62916446. See you there!

Club Bultaco Australia will be running it's 2024 annual Spanish Motorcycle rally 6 - 7 April on a 300 acre property near Captain's Flat, NSW (45km east of Canberra). Open to all Spanish motorcycles, so dust off those Bultacos, Ossas, Montessas, Gas Gas etc. & come along for a friendly family oriented event. Phone John on (02)62916446.

Club Bultaco Australia will be holding it's 22nd annual rally on 14-16 April 2023. It is open to all Spanish bikes, so dust off those Bultacos, Ossas, Montesas, Gas Gas, Shercos etc. and come along for a  friendly, family oriented event on a 300 acre property ~7km north of Captain's Flat, NSW, 45 minutes from Canberra. A riders fee of $40 applies, payable on arrival. Most entrants turn up on Friday and depart Sunday, however stragglers are welcome to stay until Monday. BYO everything. There are unlimited grassy campsites, a port-a-loo and a new bush shower with hot & cold water. There is accommodation available at the newly refurbished hotel at Captains Flat, which has the longest bar in Australia. There are plenty of areas for trail rides, a grass scrambles track, enduro loop and trials areas ranging from novice to expert. For road bikes there will be a ride on Saturday to the local pub for a counter lunch. At night, sit around the campfire and tell a few yarns washed down by your favorite brew with other Spanish motorcycle enthusiasts. For more information 'phone John on (02)62916446 or Steve on 0490 383 965.

Club Bultaco Australia will be holding it's Spanish Motorcycles Rally 26-29 March 2021 near Bathurst, NSW (same place as last 2 rallies). Open to all Spanish bikes. For details 'phone John on (02)62916446.

Following the success of the 2018 rally (65 bikes attended), Club Bultaco Australia will be holding it's 2019 annual rally 22-24 November, same place as last year, just north of Bathurst, NSW. See  details on the 2018 rally notification below. All Spanish bikes are welcome.

Club Bultaco Australia will hold our 18th annual rally on the 16-17-18 November 2018. It is open to all Spanish bikes so dust off those Bultacos, Ossas, Montesas, Gas Gas etc. and come along for a friendly, family oriented time. It is to be held on a 300 acre property: 844 Turondale Road, Duramana, ~ 23 Km north of Bathurst, NSW. Entry to the rally is free but a small riders fee applies, payable to the property owners.
BYO everything, there are unlimited free camping sites, a bush loo, washing / swimming is in the creek. Bring along your spare parts for an informal swap meet. There are no trophies or racing, just friendly trail / trials rides. There may even be a ride to the local pub for a beer or 2 if enough road registered bikes turn up. At night sit around the camp fire & tell a few yarns washed down by your favorite brew with other Spanish motorcycle enthusiasts.
For more information ring Steve on (02)62420583 (ah) or 0490-383965 (mob) or John on (02)62916446.

Club Bultaco Australia is running a memorial rally for our club patron Don Newell and founder / president Tony Ceglinski who we recently lost.
The rally is for all brands of Spanish motorbikes and will be held on 4-5 November 2017 at the usual place, the 1500 acre property "Rivervale" on the banks of the Shoalhaven River, 18Km NW of Braidwood NSW up the Larbert Road (45 minutes drive East from Canberra). There are MX tracks, enduro loops, challenging sections for trials riders and gentler rides for trail bikes. There will even be a ride to Braidwood for a beer if there are enough road bikes. Unlimited camping sites are available, there is a bush loo & washing in the Shoalhaven River 100 meters away. There is no entry fee but a rider fee (payable to the property owners) applies. Most entrants arrive on Friday to make it a long weekend. Dig out your old Bultacos, Montessas, Ossas, Gas gas etc and come along for a weekend of friendly riding and a few cool drinks and a yarn around the campfire. No racing, no trophies.
For more details contact Steve 0428626177 email [email protected] or John (02)62916446 email [email protected]
Spread the word, tell your mates and come along for a great time.

General Discussion / Re: Donny Newell R.I.P.
« on: July 17, 2017, 08:39:18 pm »
My sincere condolences to Marie, Tom and the rest of the Newell family. I only just heard tonight of Don's passing.
He will be sadly missed by all Club Bultaco members, he attended most of our rallies and will long be remembered for his tales around the campfire of "the good old days" with Bultaco. It was a pleasure to know you Don - a real legend in Oz motorcycling.

Spaniards (Bultaco, Ossa, Montesa etc) / Re: Mk6 Bultaco
« on: September 16, 2016, 01:01:12 pm »
Are you still looking for a Pursang Mk6 125? I have one I am considering selling.

Spaniards (Bultaco, Ossa, Montesa etc) / SPANISH MOTORCYCLE RALLY 2016
« on: September 13, 2016, 11:22:34 am »
Club Bultaco Australia is running a rally for all brands of Spanish Motorbikes 12 - 13 November at the 1,500 acre property "Rivervale" on the banks of the Shoalhaven river, 18Km NW of Braidwood NSW up the Larbert Road (45 minutes drive East from Canberra). There are MX tracks, enduro loops, challenging sections for trials bikes and gentler rides for trail bikes. There will even be a ride to the local town of Braidwood for a beer if there are enough road bikes.  Unlimited camping sites available, there is a bush loo & washing is in the Shoalhaven river. There is no entry fee but a rider fee (payable to the property owners) applies. Most entrants arrive on Friday afternoon to make it a longer weekend. Dig out your old Bultacos, Ossas, Montesas, Gas Gas etc. and come along for a weekend of friendly riding and a few cool drinks around the campfire. No racing, no trophies.
For more details contact Steve 0428626177 or email [email protected]
Spread the word, tell your mates & come along for a great time.

For Sale / Re: Bultacos
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:13:24 pm »
I am interested in the Metralla crankcases, do you have a 'phone number?

Spaniards (Bultaco, Ossa, Montesa etc) / Re: bultaco kart engines
« on: November 13, 2013, 10:29:42 am »
G'day Jim
The Bultaco 250 kart engines in 1974 were externally the same as the "square" barrel Pursang moto-x engines, but fitted with a 5-speed close ratio gearbox with ratios basically the same as the early model Astros. all the 250's were model #55 but the engine numbers started at M-501018 (for the earlier "round" barrels, not sure of what number the "square" barrel engines started but they were all M-5). Try Bultaco Parts in Victoria for a copy of the parts book. Not sure of power output but standard would be around 38hp at ~9500 rpm, same as the Pursang (higher for the Astro).
Hope this helps.

Spaniards (Bultaco, Ossa, Montesa etc) / Re: Bultaco shock refurbishment
« on: November 11, 2013, 09:42:05 pm »
G'day Lyle,
I can supply extensive articles on rebuilding gas assisted BETOR shocks, both the piggy-back type & the remote reservoir type. let me know your email address & I will send them to you. They are straight forward to rebuild - if you can use 2 arms!
Thumbs up.

The 15th annual Club Bultaco Australia rally will be held on the 23-24 November 2013, it is open to Spanish motorcycles only so dust off those Bultacos, Ossas, Montesas, Gas Gas etc. and come along for a friendly family oriented event at the 1500 acre property "Rivervale", bordered by the Shoalhaven River, NSW, one and a quarter hours drive East from Canberra. To get there turn North up Larbert Road from the King's Highway (approx. 10Km West of Braidwood or 3km East of the Warri Bridge over the Shoalhaven River) and drive 8 km to the rally site.
Entry to the rally is free but a ride fee of $20 for the weekend per rider applies, to be paid to the property owner. Most entrants turn up on Friday to make it a long weekend.
BYO everything, there are unlimited free camping sites, a bush loo, washing / swimming is in the river. Fishing too if you want to throw in a line.
There is no racing or trophies, just friendly trail rides or for the more adventurous there are several moto-x tracks, an enduro loop and challenging sections for trials bikes. There will even be a ride to the local pub if enough road registered bikes turn up. A Gymkhana may also be held if there is enough interest. At night sit around the campfire & tell a few lies about your riding exploits, washed down by your favourite brew with other Spanish motorcycle enthusiasts.
For more information ring John on (02)62916446.

The Club Bultaco Australia annual rally will be held (for Spanish bikes only) on the weekend of 12-13 November at the usual place, "Rivervale" near Braidwood, NSW (1 hour East of Canberra), 1500 acres on the Shoalhaven River. All types of non-competitive riding is catered for - trials / trail, enduro, Moto-X, bench racing, road ride to a pub, gymkhana. Camping is available on site, there is a bush loo & bathing in the river. Entry is ~$20 payable to the property owners. Montesas and Ossas welcome. Tell your mates and come along for a great friendly weekend (most turn up from Friday morning). Bring along all those bike bits you want to sell. For all details phone (02)62916446.

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