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Messages - Kenneth S (222)

Pages: 1 ... 58 59 [60]
General Discussion / Re: A really dumb question about an old CZ!
« on: September 02, 2011, 04:54:50 am »
Thanks guys, much appreciated. VMX60 you obviously know these models. Bishboy, $900 from SoCal, his containers leave from San Francisco. He brought another in from the East Coast for me for $1400. He is an enthusiast himself, has his own truck in the US and brings them into Melbourne assembled, does all the paper work. I had mine shipped from Melb to Syd with a local bike carrier for $250 each.
Off to Louee this weekend...WooHoo

General Discussion / Re: A really dumb question about an old CZ!
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:07:01 am »
Funny! Do you know how much it might take?

General Discussion / A really dumb question about an old CZ!
« on: August 31, 2011, 05:33:17 am »
Hi Fellow VMXers,

My mate bought a 74 CZ trail bike which was imported from Sunny but broke California for us by a great bloke, Darren at midlife Crisis Imports, very professionally I might add. After cleaning all the gunk, I recon at least 10-15 years worth, out of the tank and carb and replacing the battery and the petrol cock, we successfully fired it up last night preparing for it's inaugural ride at Louee this weekend.

Now for the dumb question.

I can't find where to put the gear oil in! The engine casing has 2 tubes, one on each side of the carb sticking up out of the top of the casings but as far as I can see, no little cap to unscrew to pour the gear box oil in.

Did the Czechs discover some secret way of building sealed gear boxes that never need oid or am I really dumb?

General Discussion / Re: Life is Good!
« on: August 31, 2011, 05:21:08 am »
Ended up a wash out up there. Couldn't even walk the track without having an endo! That's a day and a half and 600kms of my life I'll never get back.

Oh well, came home and went to the Swan's game at the ANZ Stadium with my son and watched them cream St Kilda. What do they say about silver linings?

General Discussion / Life is Good!
« on: August 19, 2011, 07:37:12 am »
My schedule today is

Go down the beach at sun up with my lovely wife for a light run

Pack my clothes & bedding into my car.

Visit a client on the way to work.

Pack up my camping gear & bike and drive to Lake Glenbawn.

Set up camp.

Race all weekend.

Life is good!

General Discussion / Re: Fold Back Shifter for a 79CR250RZ
« on: August 15, 2011, 05:25:54 pm »
I know. Pain in the neck and not true to the model.

General Discussion / Fold Back Shifter for a 79CR250RZ
« on: August 15, 2011, 04:44:05 pm »
Hi VMXers, I was told at scrutineering for The Lakes that regulations state we have to run a fold back shifter on our bikes. I'm struggling to find a suitable one which fits the CR. Anyone already have this sorted?

General Discussion / Re: Your fav mods to your classic bike.
« on: March 29, 2011, 04:01:54 am »
Fox Shox. Quite simply, a set of Fox Air Shox not only transformed the handling of my 79CR250RZ to be ultra adjustable & predictable but they gave it that unmistakable Factory look!!

Hi Guys, One thing a dearly miss from the 70s is all the great bike shops back then where I could just hang out and drool. Loads of good gear and friendly, helpful people serving. If you have had a good experience in the Sydney Metro area, please let me know. So far I have only found one store which has any sort of range but the service is shocking. I'd like to shop where I'm supporting an enthusiast, not where I feel like I'm in the Coles/Woolies version of a bike shop with no soul!

PS Bulahdelah was the most fun I have had standing up in 30 years! (and lying down, but don't tell my wife)

KJS (222)

Hi Tech Talkers,
My 79 CR 250 has a stock alloy gear shift lever and it is or has been bent in a bit too close to the casing to be comfortable for me. What is the correct process to bend it out a little without the risk of breaking it? Should I heat it up first or just put it in a vice and bend it cold?

Introductions / Hi from Sydney
« on: February 20, 2011, 09:19:59 am »
Hi VMX Diehards,

I only recently discovered the VMX scene last August when searching eBay for a mini bike for my 8 year old boy's birthday. Prior to that I didn't even know it existed. I'm now 10 grand poorer, bought a full kit of riding gear for both myself and my boy, a PW80, a truck, a trailer, my dream VMX bike, a 79CR250RZ,  (the Nice Noyce one!), found most of my old SnapOn tools, have set up a bike workshop at work, joined Heaven VMX Club, spend my nights scouring the net for obscure parts, and have reconnected with some great guys I used to ride with I really should not have lost touch with. I met a few of you guys at Glenbawn last year when Carl Blecher was good enough to loan me an RM 250 to race and had a great time. Will be racing at Buladelah in 4 weeks time on my CR (come say hi) and have booked in the CD8 at Conondale.

But....don't worry though, I have it allll under control!?

Thanks Graeme for signing me up.

Kenneth Swan (ex NSW Race and Rally rep 1980, Triple C rep 1981 & 82)
CR250RZ, Racing No 222

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