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Messages - bigk

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 177
Tech Talk / Re: External rebound adjustment on pre 75 shocks?
« on: August 10, 2021, 06:59:53 am »
Correct re: remote reservoir shocks being disallowed for pre'75, however your theory of no piggybacks would mean 1974 Yamaha Thermflow shocks (standard fitment to some models) would also be disallowed, which is incorrect. Most modern, replacement shocks (piggyback or otherwise) are built with some sort of external adjuster, you'd be hard pressed to find a scrutineer who would exclude them from competition.

Bike Talk / Re: Front number plate mounting
« on: August 02, 2021, 07:32:09 am »
Go to a hardware store (Bunnings etc) & buy some "tool clips", they are spring clips designed to hold shovel/rakes etc. screw or rivet them to the front plate, then use an o'ring on the back of them. They work & look a treat.

General Discussion / Re: RM125 A/B Optional Aluminium Swingarm
« on: December 18, 2020, 06:41:12 am »
If you weld a torque arm mount on a C arm, you'll get pinned at scrutineering.....

Competition / Re: 2021 MoMS
« on: December 10, 2020, 08:37:49 am »
Dungar Pilot's questions got me intrigued, so I did some research.

From the Oxford dictionary: Sexmax: A fable worthy of Aesop or a tale from the brothers Grimm. Catergorised with the Yetti, Loch Ness Monster & El Chupacabra.

From the latest edition of Roget's Theasaurus: Sexmax: Fake news.

Competition / Re: 2021 MoMS
« on: December 10, 2020, 06:47:12 am »
No Ted, it's your opinion that you can modify non drum brake, air cooled or no linkage components to comply with the Evolution rules which is incorrect on all counts.

Competition / Re: 2021 MoMS
« on: December 09, 2020, 06:52:02 am »
The fact in your example is that you'd be modifying a disc brake swingarm to accept drum brakes which is outside the rules, just like you can't modify a set of disc brake forks to accept drum brakes. Go, ahead & build the Sexmax & let's see where it goes.

Competition / Re: 2021 MoMS
« on: December 08, 2020, 06:59:47 am »
Ted, while technically a PDS frame is now legal for Evolution being a non linkage frame from the period & yes you could probably get an air cooled engine & drum front end on it within the rules, please explain how you can get a drum brake rear wheel to work without modifications to either the frame or swingarm, which is outside the rules?
I'll re-issue my challenge from a few years ago: Build the "Sexmax" if you're so inclined & present it for scrutineering. If I'm the scrutineer & it's correct as per the rule book, I'll have no issues allowing it. If on the other hand it's not rule correct, you guys have to cop it on the chin & put this nonsense to bed.

Competition / Re: 2021 MoMS
« on: December 07, 2020, 07:35:08 am »
How do get that Ted? How many 2001 bikes are air cooled, drum brake  no linkage?

Competition / Re: 2021 MoMS
« on: December 05, 2020, 05:31:10 pm »
Plenty of people ride/race bikes which aren't the latest in the period they choose to compete in (they're not all 1984 models in the pre'85 classes), most have some sort of personal connection to their machine of choice & I can't see P20 being any different. For example, my first Husaberg was a 2001 model which is what I now have for P20, it's pure coincidence that it's the latest allowed for P20 in 2021, but that wasn't even a consideration & I would not have considered getting one without the advent of a class to ride it in. I think the opposite as far as values go, any model in the P20 class (1995-2001 for 2021 season) might now be considered something more than a paddock basher & worth saving. The new classes open up avenues for new bikes & riders which can only be a good thing for the future of the sport.

Competition / Re: 2021 MoMS
« on: December 05, 2020, 08:19:06 am »
Period 20 is pretty self explanatory, bikes & parts 20 years old or older, yes you can mix & match within the period just as you can with all classes. Revolution is for 20 year old or older bikes with the option to fit non period (later) parts. For example if a 2001 KTM 250SX is presented in standard condition it's a period 20 bike (letter P on the race plates). If the same 2001 KTM 250SX turns up fitted with cone valve forks & Trax shock, then it's a Revolution class bike. If it's presented as Revolution class (letter R on the race plates), all good. If it's presented as Period 20, the rider will be asked to change the letter P to an R & be bumped into Revolution class. Revolution class has evolved as these bikes already exist, there were LOTS of bikes fitted with current YZF/CRF/Ohlins forks/front ends & presented as pre'90/'95 bikes at the 2019 PC Nationals. Those bikes are no longer "cheat" bikes as there is now a class for them to compete in. It also preserves the earlier classes as being period correct with now a class for non period correct bikes in which to compete (no one has to put their bike on the trailer).
There's no reason you can't ride your Period 20 bike in Revolution class if you want more seat time, so benefits all round.

Competition / Re: 2021 MoMS
« on: December 04, 2020, 09:30:08 am »
I can't confirm as we haven't seen the supp regs yet, sorry Ted. The hosting club has the option to run them either way, it's up to them as to which option they feel will best suit the event.

Competition / Re: 2021 MoMS
« on: December 04, 2020, 07:06:34 am »
Revolution class is a "catch all" class designed as a class for modified/non compliant bikes to compete in rather than go back on the trailer. Those bikes are being built (they exist now) as evidenced by the very high number of non compliant pre'95 bikes presented at the 2019 Post Classic Nationals. Revolution is listed in the MoMS as a general competition class, it is NOT an Australian title class for 2021, although may become so in the future. It will be offered as a support class for the 2021 Post Classic nationals.
Period 20 is a rolling 20 year old class which self perpetuates as the years go by. For the 2021 season it allows up to 2001 model bikes to compete. It is an Australian title class & 3 inaugural Period 20 Australian champions will be crowned in their relevant capacities at Nowra, 2021.

Competition / Re: 2021 MoMS
« on: December 04, 2020, 06:55:24 am »
There is Evolution 4 stroke Ted which will be in the Classics as an Australian title for the very first time for 2021. It was due to be in the 2021 MoMS, however is still in the 2nd year of it's 2 year trial due to no Nationals this year because of Covid, all part of due process. It will be written into the supp regs as a National title class & the inaugural Evolution 4 stroke open all powers champion will be crowned in Nowra, July 2021. We fully expect Evolution 4 stroke open all powers to be written in the 2022 MoMS after the completion of a highly successful 2 year trial. The first year at Harrisville (2019) as a support class was very well supported with over 20 bikes on the start grid. We fully expect that number to markedly increase with the class being an Australian title class for 2021 & almost certainly, beyond.

Competition / 2021 MoMS
« on: December 03, 2020, 06:51:46 am »
The 2021 MoMS are now available on line (chapter 10 is relevant for Classic MX). Check out the new Post Classic classes (Period 20 & Revolution), then get yourselves exited & bikes prepared for the Classic Nationals (July 9/10/11) followed by the Post Classic Nationals 1 week later (July 16/17/18), both to be held at Nowra Motoplex, N.S.W, on purpose built tracks. A number of inaugural (very first) Australian champions will be crowned over both events in new title classes, so something to strive for. Put these dates on the "not to be missed" list & get ready to turn some dirt! Bring it on....

General Discussion / Re: VMX Unlimited
« on: September 27, 2020, 08:00:19 am »
I have a nice pair of originals, shoot me you email address & I'll send some photos.

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