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Messages - suzukimx

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: anyone nead any casting made for old bikes
« on: November 11, 2013, 10:43:02 am »
THERE SHOULD BE A BIG DEMAND FOR THE 73-75 TM100/125 MAG Covers...same mag cover also fits a couple TS models..and the RM 125 M/S...just thinking..they are next to impossible to find and very easy to destroy  cheers

Suzuki / Re: RM125T ignition issue
« on: October 09, 2013, 11:09:04 am »
Andy..doing well..riding more than ever now that i live a bike friendly State..they welcome dirt bikes and ATV's here  far cry of having cops at your door step like back in CT...yea almost forgot i was a member here...getting ready to build another PERM 5 years on the first one..this time gonna use a RS 175 motor..and either another RM 125 T frame or may go with an RS i have one..another mutt..but fun...been working out very well in PV motocross...and just went to a win in a flat track deal as part of an iron man event..out of place for a PE motor...buzzymx45

Suzuki / Re: RM125T ignition issue
« on: October 09, 2013, 05:06:49 am »
The N and T are pretty much the same animal here in the USA...79 had the 428 chain and different guide  as the 80 had a 520 chain...carries the same CDI and Mag/Rotor  for both years..while the crank halfs carry a different part # as the last two numbers differ 220 vs 200...but as they use the same electrical parts...also they time well with out a light..until you get to the very fine tune...interesting...cheers   buzzymx45

General Discussion / Re: The Legend
« on: January 26, 2010, 02:00:00 pm »
DOC--some one on the TM suzuki site said you did this --ok --but remember in the middle of the season when i was having some engine problems ??--yea where did i get the answer to keep going --and the cross over info on the rear hub and wheel  ?? and those two mates LEITH and LUKE  over on the PE  site with their knowledge and BOB H in the UK with his keep going pep talks --and my welder in CT--these old TMs do not like doubles  esp. when you face them --but most were grass tracks --no i had a lot of help and the fact that it was the first year of retirement and no worries about work--just wanted to show that the CAT was BACK --and where the hell did you get MIAMI ?? of all places the awards dinner was right near the HARLY DAVIVSON factory in YORK PA ---i only rode them --keeping them running was the hard part !!  thanks to you guys down under that put up with this stubborn  SWAMP YANKEE !!---cheers to you guys and we sure have chills up this way ---buzzymx45

General Discussion / Re: MX tracks and double jumps.
« on: August 13, 2009, 11:56:34 pm »
PART#2-same deal--ambulance parked all day---SO i have made the choice that if the track is such that i feel that i  can not ride it and enjoy it then i will go elsewhere--we have three AHRMA NE events left this year--one is an all natural track event put on by the BEAR CREEK RIDERS (was home to the world enduro)--another back in LAWTON PA and one more at BT again on the natural grass track--there are one or two tracks in the area that are  for modern racing but have a vintage/evo class--that can be ridden safely on a vinatge (pre 75) bike--careful in practice as they are not seperated--i guess we have more choices here??--but my money is gonna follow the tracks that give me a safe place to ride my pre 75 stuff--and the real mind changer--(wished i knew how to post pictures)-was going on a website of a local track and seeing the new graphics that a guy had made for his modern bike--he had taken his x-rays from the last big get off and had them made into a set of graphics--and wanted the people looking at the pictures to see if they could count all the PINS and SCREWS in HIM ???--so i know what i am gonna do--if its not grass/natural or safe--then its not for me---but we have our winter coming so we have our ice racing---no worry of jumps there--have a friend in BRISBANE-maybe i can talk DOC into posting those GRAPHICS--thanks for the time--and i have my answer !! cheers as you would say--buzzymx45

General Discussion / Re: MX tracks and double jumps.
« on: August 13, 2009, 11:39:22 pm »
READING THIS THREAD--and thinking (which always gets me in trouble)--are we just a little luckier here in the N.E. area of the USA- ??--after 42 years of racing-now riding--i can speak with a little knowledge (thinking)--have seen this evolve from grass tracks/natural tracks to the crap that is out there today--this being my first year of retirement (from work)--i have been attending more than the normal amount of events and have found that where in the past some of the modern tracks had man made junk that you could ride /or roll--but now it seems if you try to roll a large double some yahoo is gonna jump over you--so i think i will do these doubles--riding pre 1975 125/100s mind you---( 14 year old mind in a 63 year old body)--so i man up and start doing the doubles--result--wrecked rear hubs--go to more modern solid type hubs ( not sure of the legal aspect--but my safty)-wrecked internals in the motor--and most of our events have modern support classes--(another issue)--but we have a choice here--our main pre 75 ORG.--has in the past few years started a trend of going back to natural grass tracks-last week with another ORG we had a event--vintage evo modern held at SOUTHWICK 338 on the pro-national track--all natural and all SAND--to my knowledge the ambulance never moved all day--the event at BROOME TIOGA in NY  which was a AHRMA NAT..for the pre 1975 bikes was held on a great natural grass track using their modern starting gate--and then going off the track up the hill above for the grass track--ambulance parked all day !!--earlier in the year a regional event at a very wet and muddy LAWTON PA--PART#1

General Discussion / Re: God Bless eBay!
« on: June 25, 2009, 01:36:01 pm »
DOC---they could have stopped in CT.----i would have only kept the SUZUKI one !!---thats a weird dude--to me it was 6.91 media mail---and they do not meet the rules for that---and i bet he wore them--or maybe his sheep !!--cheers mate--and we have the big VINTAGE (AHRMA) NAT. this week end--gonna do the 100 expert (tm 100) and the + 60 expert--( legal tm 125)-the vintage will use the grass track on sat. at BROOME TIOGA--and a couple of guys are gonna ride PEs on sunday---on the PRO NAT track--they better hope it rains  !!---till latter--stranger----buzzymx45

General Discussion / Re: Stolen CR80
« on: May 01, 2008, 12:21:31 pm »
NOT MUCH DIFFERENT HERE IN THE USA---have had to resort to chaining the tm/rm/sl/collection  as one big group--inside a locked covered window barn--with dog--now with my luck the damn barn will catch fire and the firemen will not have time to cut the chains---at least here we kinda know the problem (part of it)--the low life people that need to support their habits--but some one needs to buy this stolen stuff for the needed cash--and in my eyes they are just as guilty !!!--and this will happen to me while i am at work busting to keep my toys-!!! just does not seem fair..good luck in the recovery mission --buzzymx45

General Discussion / Re: Dealing with Ebay hassles?
« on: December 06, 2007, 09:34:46 pm »
FIRKO--thanks--little off subject--DR M.MCCOOK was kinda quite when guestioned about a pic with some nice females in it--(HONG KONG)---looked like a BAR and --WELL HE JUST SAID IT WAS BUSINESS--THANKS !!!!---now back to my e-bay acct.-then off to work--and its starting to look like the money is getting tight here in the USA---just missed a puller by 50 cents-(usa)---latter and as you guys say--cheers--buzzymx45

General Discussion / Re: Dealing with Ebay hassles?
« on: December 06, 2007, 12:38:54 pm »
FIRKO and DOC----getting wacked here in the states--like DOC i try to get a price on shipping before hand as i believe a lot of dealers jack up the price if you get it with a lucky bid (ie--like less than expected by them)---but i just had a classic on three sprockets for my  TMs--(100/125s) ---told the dealer that i would chase them pricewise--if he would agree to parcel post as at this time of the year the dirt here is frozen and we are thinking ice racing !!!---he says no problem---i win them---he e-mails me and says that they will go as he planned and not what he told me as he had alredy boxed them---WTF--would only send them UPS PRIORITY--(our expensive way)---like FIRKO--i do not want to screw my feedback up--so i will let it ride---and in the last few months i have been getting shafted about 50% of the time---but sometimes it seems that it is the only source--an another is the guys selling last chance !!! parts---that are still dealer items for twice what the dealers charge---sent two of these guys e-mails telling them that this was kinda rotten--and in the states the dealer does not charge shipping--but as expected no reply--they start out the bidding at twice the dealer list--and run from there---i guess we are in this for the love of the bikes and some of these idiots are in it only for the $$$$$ and some have even taken to the tmsuzuki website to hawk there wares--anyway just blowing off steam---and will cool off this weekend if we get enough ice-!!!!--will send DOC some pics as soon as we get on the pond---and FIRKO--have you really be hanging around DR. MIKE MCCOOK--as he claims on his website ???---latter and cheers to all down under--buzzymx45

General Discussion / Re: VMX Issue 31 off to the printers
« on: September 23, 2007, 10:56:46 pm »
DOC--i visit the site and i see this ????shows you what happens when you get into YAHAMA stuff---they were the first major player with a mono---thats why my 95 yz 250---is kept clear and away from the SUZUKI herd--!!!!will e-mail you--got burnt bad on e-bay---and this guy has been good---latter  buzzymx45

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