Tech Talk / MX250 Big end and filter cage
« on: November 07, 2014, 12:01:02 pm »
Hey Guys, just lunched my 74 MX250 (air filter was stuck up on the back where i couldn't see it and i did a race day battling with a face full of dirt) and when rebuilding it she has a 25mm crank pin and 311 rod. this is not what is in the manual or parts catalouge. i have a new rod and pin but dont have the bearing. are their any more common bearings for it? if not is the 93310-425N4 the correct bearing?
Are there any good aftermarket air filter options for these as my cage is knackered and never seals well?
Are there any good aftermarket air filter options for these as my cage is knackered and never seals well?