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Messages - Mick D

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Wanted / Re: Honda XL250s Rocker box
« on: December 21, 2017, 09:05:59 am »
Yes Curtis, you are exactly right in all regards  :D ;) And yes when the rocker shafts start to move back and forth with the rocker they wear out the little square section seal on the end and start pissing out oil.

Same setup as the XL500S

There is another way of removing those lame locking pins if your measuring skills are precise.
Measure, centerpop and drill a fractionally smaller hole in the outside/above of the rocker box. Right above the locking pin,
then they can simply be tapped out with a pin punch. Just use some metal/bog putty to fill the hole in when all your servicing and repairs are done.

Or as you said,,,,,,,,,,,,,, find a rocker box that hasn't suffered the same failure Yet  :)

Introductions / Re: Thumbs Up! Greeting from new member
« on: December 21, 2017, 08:17:05 am »
 Bully's do have a unique mystique and a die hard following for sure.
There are a few here that love Bultaco and know them well, the above "Moto" is certainly one of them.

I have had Four since the age of twelve, I have two different ones now,
A model 48 Pursang Mk3 250
   Model 85 Alpina 250

A Metralla has always been on my bucket list.
And welcome to the OzVMX Peter.

General Discussion / Re: Another new friggin tax
« on: December 17, 2017, 01:27:49 pm »
You can get paid in cash.

No, you do not get paid in cash.

Every way of personal remuneration depends upon you supplying one's personal details.
So once again our dumbass country places misguided faith into Goliath companies who promise to safeguard our personal details. Not to share or sell them, yeah right ::) 

General Discussion / Re: Another new friggin tax
« on: December 17, 2017, 01:00:53 pm »
So went out of my way at midday on Friday ,,, only because I am trying to get the true picture of this set up rather than the steady stream of BS from the usual few. Woolies at Mayfield NSW.

All four machines were inoperative due to being FULL

I went inside woolies and reported that the machines were all inoperative. Which turned out to be one very interesting and informative conversation.

NOT so green when one has fueled a trip to the tip for a NON-EVENT

Maico / MAICO 4speed Squaries and Radials,, Legendary Handling
« on: December 07, 2017, 01:13:47 pm »
I believe a few things would have contributed?

I had a NON ltr 73/74 Radial as a whipper snapper.
I had already owned and had my bum on a lot of different bikes.

The Maico just blew me away,,,,
by the way it steered and its ability to "forgive" under(out of control) acceleration.

Lived near the old abandoned dump between Waratah West and Shortland.
Basically flat, finished in ashes from BHP waste.
Could do the Maico in top hole at full noise, back of just a bit to let it come back on its giddyup curve
then pull the trigger back on and launch it sideways,,, did that a lot
Felt at risk on other bikes, but to the Maico it was a walk in the park.

General Discussion / Re: Funnies/Jokes
« on: December 07, 2017, 11:26:59 am »

General Discussion / Re: Another new friggin tax
« on: December 05, 2017, 04:54:28 pm »
There is no way on earth that these drop off machines and venues could handle the massive volume of this waste that is about to have a waste deposited applied!
The same waste that is already being processed responsibly by tens of thousands of residents into their fortnightly yellow lid council pickup bins.

I will simply forfeit this new deposit, as I think it will fair to expect that most working class will. Not enough hours in the day to add a new chore.

So what I would like to know is who gets to keep all the deposits that are forfeited by those who are already doing "the right thing"?

Tech Talk / Tools to get the Job done
« on: December 05, 2017, 02:14:47 pm »
Trying to get the photo thing happening again?

OK so Got this landed for about AU$81 CHEAP
Covers 15 different ignition Rotor threads
Quality? Threads are good, I have just used two of them. One on a very stubborn external Motoplat.
Happy so far  :)

OK, so pic is too big,,, Uummmh ::)

General Discussion / Re: Another new friggin tax
« on: December 05, 2017, 10:33:57 am »
I am calm now, I just re-read that,,, makes sense to me :o
Had just had a confrontation with some rowdy neighbours last night, hadn't quite de-steamed when I came in and read Zanes post ::)

I live in a busy inner city mixed use area. Lot of tradies and business utes etc during the day.
Would be lucky to see one empty stubby a year? or one or two empty coke cans laying in the street PER/YEAR.   WHICH ARE GETTING A TAX/SURCHARGE THINGY.

What I do see a lot of is McDonald's wrappings and paper drink vessels etc. Also disposable one use coffee to go cups. So will they apply it to the real culprit? NO THEY WONT!   and does anyone think tradies would ever save their rubbish and return to maccas or their local coffee shop for a ten cent refund? No friken chance.

So from what I see everyday is that they have it all wrong AGAIN,
Fukin hell, now I feel like Maccas breakfast menu and its just gone 10.32, FFS, now I need an Oozie

General Discussion / Re: Another new friggin tax
« on: December 04, 2017, 11:44:14 pm »
I loathe litter bugs,,, cameras everywhere nowadays and will continue to grow.
Just smash em with major fines and leave the rest us of all ready responsible doing the right thing alone.

Greedy greedy jump on the band wagon corporate and goverment greedy greeedy desprate to fuk us all over C)(*s

General Discussion / Re: Another new friggin tax
« on: December 04, 2017, 11:37:49 pm »
I never litter. I already pay rates for a recycle bin  >:( >:( >:(  every householder does it even if they don't want to, because there total waste wont fit in the general bin,

Load my recyclables on to my green pushy and pedal have way across town,, fuk off
Load my car up so I can burn up fosils you fuken dills, with shit and head to woolies,,, got enough to do and I already put em in my recycle bin,,

Fuk off you dicklickintadpoleswallowingloveitupyourarsetreehuginggreenscum,,, stop litterring? Shittttt
New profit, new tax for geedy Bannnnnnans,,, that's all you greedy *(&^%^#@@%&))(*^

For Sale / Re: Knight Flattracker Kawasaki 1982 for sale
« on: December 02, 2017, 06:20:19 pm »
Geez, thats a nice thing Brett

Honda / Re: New XR75 K1 1974 Project
« on: November 17, 2017, 08:38:58 pm »
Hey and great to see something interesting on OZ vmx again mate...

Ps; I hope your grandchildren don't look back in years to come and see what you did with their
Rare and collectable soft copper gear lock  ;D 

Honda / Re: New XR75 K1 1974 Project
« on: November 17, 2017, 08:35:19 pm »
U can buy a double ended chinca copy of the Honda special tool for 12 or 13 bucks on delay posted to your door

Bit late now Matt,,, but good tip for punters planning a job soon to come  :D

That thing you are calling a "oil pick up thingy"  ;D ;D ;D ,,, sorry can't help it Alex  ;D  , it is a
"centrifuge"  and all that grey paste is the worn alloy,,, like most likely your head camshaft journals
that are non-ferrous and won't collect on a magnetic drain plug.

Seriously great innovation to collect "heavier" (waste) from the about to be recycled "lighter" SG 8.5 to 9.5 lube blood.   

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