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Topics - Mick D

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General Discussion / Please identify this hub/wheel ?
« on: June 03, 2019, 02:39:54 pm »
Hi members,
Like the heading says,
New one on me.
Nice to know what era it qualifies for as wheel.

Tech Talk / Looking for ER185 Advice
« on: May 06, 2019, 11:00:11 am »
After oil pump to throttle calibration setting?
Running TTS  oil tank, so probably back it off a little being semi synthetic?

Correct spark plug?

Thank you

Gooday all,

Has anyone ever noticed which replacement brands are hardest or longer wearing?
Or which brands are junk and wear quickly,,, = metal quality?

I am repairing building some XR600 engine projects for myself.

The counter shafts have flogged out on the spline where the sprocket mounts on.

I am thinking cheap quality sprockets maybe wear quickly, then in turn ruin the shaft as they flog
 back and forth? ?


Yeah yeah... a couple of blackouts.... lost two freezer contents, twice. Inconvenience was the least. .. fired all of the light globes and sockets out of the ceiling in one event.... yada yada yada..

So I  knew if I bought this aldi genny that it would be cheaper and less way less inconvenience in the long run..... drag it out. Fuel it.. run it... drain it every few months... just like tonight... so when no shit happens? Reverse Karma .... dont forget to think.... thanks mick ::)

General Discussion / Greedzuckerburg reduces 3rd party ransom
« on: February 03, 2018, 12:17:00 pm »
Subject of email this morning

From 500 yearly down to a 100 yearly now

Tech Talk / Need help with 240 volt tig welder selection please
« on: January 30, 2018, 09:16:06 pm »
I am hoping some of the brains trust will help me out here. I'd be great full if you would.

Ok, even though Pete (Yamaico) offered to make me a big fin head for my XR project. I do not want to bludge of him. I would like to have a go at it myself.
Aiming at that tig weld finish for authenticity sort of look.
I only have 240 volts and need to butt weld 3mm plate to existing fins.

There is a Unimig 200 on ebay. I need someone to tell me if I am buying the right welder. I will find the link.... be back

Maico / MAICO 4speed Squaries and Radials,, Legendary Handling
« on: December 07, 2017, 01:13:47 pm »
I believe a few things would have contributed?

I had a NON ltr 73/74 Radial as a whipper snapper.
I had already owned and had my bum on a lot of different bikes.

The Maico just blew me away,,,,
by the way it steered and its ability to "forgive" under(out of control) acceleration.

Lived near the old abandoned dump between Waratah West and Shortland.
Basically flat, finished in ashes from BHP waste.
Could do the Maico in top hole at full noise, back of just a bit to let it come back on its giddyup curve
then pull the trigger back on and launch it sideways,,, did that a lot
Felt at risk on other bikes, but to the Maico it was a walk in the park.

Tech Talk / Tools to get the Job done
« on: December 05, 2017, 02:14:47 pm »
Trying to get the photo thing happening again?

OK so Got this landed for about AU$81 CHEAP
Covers 15 different ignition Rotor threads
Quality? Threads are good, I have just used two of them. One on a very stubborn external Motoplat.
Happy so far  :)

OK, so pic is too big,,, Uummmh ::)

Tech Talk / hundred and one uses for your outside dunny
« on: June 17, 2017, 04:51:51 pm »
This has to go on a bike tomorrow, no if buts or maybe,,,, but getting a few drops outside,,,,
So yeah,, spray booth for ultra high temp clear,,,job finished,, now for the next  :)

Wanted / Vapour Blasting Newcastle area WANTED
« on: May 29, 2017, 01:12:36 pm »
Can anyone direct me please?


Wanted / Maico 81 or 82 490 bottom ends WANTED
« on: May 28, 2017, 09:14:09 pm »
Suitable for reconditioning,,,,would prefer MC close ratio but will consider GS,,

Doesn't matter if cylinder,, cylinder head and ignition missing


General Discussion / Heads up on Masters clearence blokes
« on: November 26, 2016, 09:09:13 pm »
Went to Rutherford and Heatherbrae this arvo.
Heard  at both, total doors close on 11/12/16 if not before?

Bought new CIG, comweld WF,ever ::) acetylene reg $33 instead of 100. Etc.
Some things way better discount.
Like silver solder ;D 75% off brazing rods etc.

And no, a beer fridge wasn't the answer for me ;D

Aiming high for VMX, but I find the the hardest Resto is my own body and mind.
I am thinking it is easy for a busted mind to follow on after a busted body.

I know of a few in this community, who deal with body injuries replaced body parts and still manage to get their shit back together and on the start line. Big K for one has dealt with a lot of this(good luck with the new hip too).

I have been doing heaps of proactive health, diet, etc, etc etc,
I found a new addiction this morning and no doubt a clear path help my VMX dreams, come together.
YOGA, no not YODA, but a thing called Yoga.

Yeah, yeah, its for girls hey :o
Yeah, yeah, no sit Sherlock ::) ::) I am the only bloke in the class ;D ;D ;D
He, he, so  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Competition / Dual Leading front brakes on a Pre82/Evo Legal or not?
« on: October 19, 2016, 11:11:51 am »

Before I finish my build, is it OK for me to put a Dual Leader drum of another bike on to my 81 Maico for Racing? NSW?
Say from a bike that never had linkage, water cooling etc ?
Like from an early 465 Yammie?

Please, I don't want to start another shit fight.
I just want to know if what I am doing is OK? to save turning up and being told no.

Thanks in advance

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