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Messages - ba-02-xr

Pages: 1 ... 38 39 [40] 41
General Discussion / Re: Stolen Bikes...again.
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:49:22 pm »
No its not a rotty. But we do have cattle at the track. There is a big black bull witch makes it interesting when they have to be moved for races, hes a grumpy old bastard. I wanted to keep him up near the canteen but there is no water up there.

British (BSA, Greeves, Triumph etc) / Re: Armstrong Mx
« on: September 17, 2008, 05:25:41 pm »
Surly there must be some of these somewhere even the good old USA. Or has anyone got bikes from pommyland. I have seen a couple there.

General Discussion / Re: Stolen Bikes...again.
« on: September 17, 2008, 05:20:14 pm »
Speaking of this scum. The Moree Motorcycle Club recently had a break in attempt. The track is 10ks from town and they tried to get into the canteen to cook some dinner I suppose, couse there is nothing else left out there. They smashed a few windows in our score van, the idiots didnt turn the knob on the door, its left unlocked nothing there. You work your ass of to have somthing for the community and some dead shit has to try and stuff it up. Next time one of these dickheads try they will have a supprise as there is security set up.

I saw this the outher day & wondered how I could justify it to the minister for finance.

Competition / Re: Moree Open MX
« on: June 18, 2008, 02:42:11 pm »
We are looking for any old champs out there who would like to ride the over 35s in this event. Contact me. We MAY be able to supply a bike. Call John 02 67525973.

General Discussion / Re: A non vintage Quad question.
« on: June 14, 2008, 10:26:03 am »
With the neck brace thing I always wear a EVS neck roll as does my 7year old doughter. But last week end a mate of mine I ride with has a suz LTR 450 quad rolled it over himself. He wears a leat brace. Broke the back section. $70 fixed ready to protect again. His neck is NOT sore just his sholders a bit tender. I would hate to see what would of happened wth no brace. Leat $700 neck$???????????????. At his age he MAY be able to go to something like the Yamaha 250 Raptor. But check. This bike is awsome. My mates wife has one. She also has a Honda TRX 250 that she is thinking of selling if it iterested.

General Discussion / Re: A non vintage Quad question.
« on: June 13, 2008, 04:09:33 pm »
Mainly stay away from the cheap chiese shit. All the small Jab ones are OK even the Polarus is good for the money. How old is he.

Competition / Re: Moree Open MX
« on: June 13, 2008, 12:54:49 pm »
The track is very forgiving. As for pre 75 Ya but maybe a bit tough in the woops. There are some big jumps but they are table tops with no dropoffs that you crash back to ground on. Where are you at.

British (BSA, Greeves, Triumph etc) / Armstrong Mx
« on: June 07, 2008, 11:33:01 am »
Does anyone know of any Armstrong MX bikes in Australia or even NZ that might be for sale.

Competition / Re: Moree Open MX
« on: June 07, 2008, 11:30:00 am »
Dont forget this event soon. If anyone wants entries email me and I can email you entries. We are also having womans classes.

General Discussion / Re: World's fastest dirtbike
« on: May 10, 2008, 11:35:53 am »
There is one thing to keep in mind here. The KTM factor.

General Discussion / Re: World's fastest dirtbike
« on: May 10, 2008, 09:57:08 am »
Those guys should be ashamed not proud. Beating an 81 model lawnmower technology bike in std trim. With state of the art technology modded to buggery by 3 mph. Admitedly it is KTM vs Honda. But 27 years should of cought up with the great white god of bikes by now. Or was the KTM just so far ahead. I think the latter.

KTM / Re: 1972 KTM 125
« on: April 05, 2008, 10:53:10 am »
You could try Brad Lewis. If you want his # call me B/H 02 67525973. John

Competition / Moree Open MX
« on: April 05, 2008, 10:44:44 am »
I know this is not a vintage event but we are having an over 35 class. The Moree track is very forgiving but challenging if you want a challenge. This event was held last year & was very good. All the riders we spoke with had a great day & loved the track. Its July 12-13. If anyone needs more info you can contact me B/H 02 67525973.  John

General Discussion / Re: and teach your children well
« on: February 23, 2008, 09:21:45 am »
I have the EVS neck roll as does my 7 Year old daughter. I have tested mine & it worked great. A Friend of mine hit a tree on a quad wearing the EVS as well. She was bruised and battered but hear neck was fine, not even saw. Could of been luck, I put it down to the EVS neck roll. Any one want to buy a repaired TRX 250.

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