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Messages - Dan-166

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Competition / Re: HEAVEN VMX Inc Evo Challenge - 14th & 15th August
« on: August 12, 2010, 03:40:37 PM »
I hear ya Wotto, but I am only offering information on the way for it to happen from this point on. We cannot change what has happen in the past, we can only work with what we have at the moment.
I totally agree with Shoey in regards to the forward planning and long term viability.
I personally ( my view only and in no way speaking for the current committee ) beleive that Pre 90 will become part of the HEAVEN clubs format but not sure when. Again, THIS IS ONLY MY VIEW.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN VMX Inc Evo Challenge - 14th & 15th August
« on: August 12, 2010, 03:13:21 PM »
At the end of the day, Pre 90 for the HEAVEN club is up to the clubs members. If the members decide that they want Pre 90 included in the race format ( remebering that any bike can be ridden on the Saturday Rec rides ), then they can make it happen by following the process as set out in the clubs constitution. All it needs is somebody ( or a group of people ) to be the driving force behind it to make it happen.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN VMX Inc Evo Challenge - 14th & 15th August
« on: August 12, 2010, 02:17:38 PM »
Entries officially closed yesterday evening but still taking them. Even with the late notification etc there are still good entries so far. Certainly nothing like what we had last year ( they were ecxceptional circumstances ). There will be some entries that will still roll in up until friday night I am sure and even on the morning of the event.   
As for the program, it is still the same as originally posted. This is the format that was decided upon for this years event but who know's what format next years committee shall adopt and what the classes will be?

Competition / Re: HEAVEN VMX Inc Evo Challenge - 14th & 15th August
« on: August 05, 2010, 10:15:18 AM »
Sunny weather finally here, should dry the track out for perfect racing condtions. Just over a week to go, so keep the entries rolling in. Cheers.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN VMX Inc Evo Challenge - 14th & 15th August
« on: July 30, 2010, 10:46:00 AM »
Yeah, it fits into the age race category. This may change depending on entry numbers though. If any classes end up combined due to entry numbers ( and no issue of riders wishing to ride both classes), we may slip another race in. All depends on entries recieved. Cheers.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN VMX Inc Evo Challenge - 14th & 15th August
« on: July 30, 2010, 07:06:00 AM »
The entry forms have been sent to the administrator to upload onto the net and also email out to members so hopefully that will happen over the next couple of days. If not, I shall start to email out entry forms to members or any potential new members that wish to attend the race.
I take on board all feedback regarding the format and appreciate it. Thanks.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN VMX Inc Evo Challenge - 14th & 15th August
« on: July 29, 2010, 03:12:22 PM »
Thanks for that. What about the Pre 78 race though? Would you like to run in that? Have you got the Can Am runnin yet? Cheers.

Competition / Re: HEAVEN VMX Inc Evo Challenge - 14th & 15th August
« on: July 29, 2010, 12:48:58 PM »
I hear ya but with the Evo Challenge last year, there were a number of factors I think that lead to the down turn in numbers for the event. Problem with combining classess is that there are a number of guys riding two or more classes in the same era. Lakes has been a very popular track for HEAVEN riders over the last couple of years and I believe that there will be a heathly amount of entries in each trophy class. We shall just have to see as the entries roll in and then make a call. Hope to see you there. Cheers.

Competition / HEAVEN VMX Inc Evo Challenge - 14th & 15th August
« on: July 29, 2010, 10:04:23 AM »
It's that time of year again for the Evo and Pre 85 boys to come out and play. This years Evo Challenge will be held at the Lakes MX Track on Cessnock Road, Awaba, approx 2km off the F3. Track promises to be in great cindition as usual after being prepared by the Lakes Motorcycle Club for us. Great track, great facilities, friendly people and a great atmosphere. The club has recently installed some bike washbays in the pit area so people can give there toys a quick wash before heading off if they like.
Gate will open on Friday afternoon with camping available at the track. There are a couple of hot showers on site and toilets as well. There will be a fully operational canteen going both days, attended by the good people of the Lakes Motorcycle club. The Lakes club will also be catering the meal on Saturday night after the presentation. The format for the weekend is as follows;
2010 Evo Challenge Saturday Race Format 14th August

Sign-on & Scrutineering – 9:30am to 10:45am
Riders Brief – 10:45am to 11:am
Practice – 11:00am to 12:00pm
Lunch – 12:00pm to 12:30pm
Marshals / Officials Set – 12:30pm to 12:45pm
Racing – 12:45pm to 4:00pm

Race 1 – Evo 125cc Round 1
Race 2 – 16 to 39 yrs Age Race & Ladies
Race 3 – Evo 250cc Round 1
Race 4 – Juniors
Race 5 – Evo 500cc Round 1
Race 6 – Pre 85 125cc Round 1
Race 7 – Fourstoke Round 1
Race 8 – Pre 85 250cc Round 1
Race 9 – Under 45 yrs Pre 78 Race ( Open capacity, Pre 78 bikes only )
Race 10 – Pre 85 500cc Round 1

Marshall Change

Race 11 – Evo 125cc Round 2
Race 12 – 40 to 49 yrs Age Race
Race 13 – Evo 250cc Round 2
Race 14 – 50 to 59 yrs Age Race ( including 60+ age group scored separate) 
Race 15 – Evo 500cc Round 2
Race 16 – Pre 85 125cc Round 2
Race 17 – Fourstroke Round 2
Race 18 – Pre 85 250cc Round 2
Race 19 – Over 45 yrs Pre 78 Race ( Open capacity, Pre 78 Bikes only)
Race 20 – Pre 85 500cc Round 2

Presentation – 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Dinner – 6:30pm

Sunday Normal HEAVEN Rounds as per program
Bike eligibility shall be checked. It is the riders responsibility to ensure ( and prove if necessary) period correctness.
If you have any more questions regarding the event, please contact the club on 0429 811 845 or email  or pm myself via this forum. Hope to see you there.
2010 HEAVEN Committee

Competition / Re: 2010 Crawford river classic.
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:13:33 AM »
Roger Middlebrook was our WA guest. Top bloke, had a great weekend on the bikes, came on Friday and assisted with set-up and marking out the track. Roger also fixed up the clutch on Carl's Matchless Mettise so that I could have a ride in the Pre 65. Roger can certainly ride a Mettise and he also had his first experience on a jap two stroke for the weekend.!
A big thanks to our sponsors for the weekend;
Engineered Environments
Ross Merrick Accounting
Pro Strip - Abrasive blasting & powdercoating
Newcastle Dirtbike Distmantlers
Thanks to all those who flagged over the weekend and assisted wth the pack up on Sunday, certainly made things go a lot quicker.
Greg Holmes for all his work over the weekend officiating. Mick McMillan for manning the entry gate all day Sunday as well, thanks Macca.
As you can see from the photo's, Saturdays weather wasn't the kindest to us, but the club went ahead and I'm sure that a lot of riders have some stories to tell about their adventures in the mud on Saturday.

Again, thanks to all those who assisted with making the weekend a memorable one. See you all at the next round. Cheers.

Competition / Re: 2010 Crawford river classic.
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:05:11 PM »
The meal is certainly open to family and friends. The committee is still finalising the details associated with the event including the meal cost, so I shall advise on that as soon as I can. As for cut-off, a week before the event as usual , so still plenty of time to decide on how many meals your camp shall require. Cheers.

Competition / Re: 2010 Crawford river classic.
« on: May 27, 2010, 07:55:09 AM »
OK, weather Gods have opended up over ther last few days. Rain predicted for the track area into early next week so this should ensure plenty of moisture in the track for racing on mainly virginal grass track. Stay tuned. Cheers.

Competition / Re: 2010 Crawford river classic.
« on: May 21, 2010, 03:47:23 PM »
Stay tuned. More info on this early next week. cheers.

Competition / Re: 2010 Crawford river classic.
« on: May 21, 2010, 11:37:01 AM »
OK guys, are last event at Lakes is done and dusted, so time to start thinking about the CRC for 2010. Camping available from Friday night, showers and toilets on site and a great grass track that shall be mostly virgin track. Time to start thinking about what you are going to ride and to ask the weather Gods to be kind to us again this year.
Always a great fun event and an opportunity to catch up with people and do a bit of socialising.
How about a show of hands on who's coming this year?

Competition / Re: HEAVEN NSW NEXT MEET, THE LAKES 15/16TH MAY 2010
« on: May 21, 2010, 11:31:11 AM »
Yeh its a great track and the people in the Lakes Club ( who run the track ) are a great bunch of people who are only to willing to help us vintage guys out. Even if we don't get the Nats there next year, maybe 2012 , who knows. I'd still encourage vintage guys to come and have a ride at this track as it is a ball of fun to ride.

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