OzVMX Forum

Clubroom => Competition => Topic started by: VERi on December 01, 2018, 11:43:48 am

Title: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on December 01, 2018, 11:43:48 am
Read the latest (updated) info about the 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro (A3VE) below:

Our aim: To run a vintage friendly event suitable for older bikes and riders, to determine the best in class through special tests and the ability to maintain an old motorcycle and ride to predetermined time schedule between checkpoints.

The Course: Limitless trails. Interesting but not intimidating. Talk to someone who rode the recent Blackwood Vinduro, this loop will be loop 1 Day 1 – the riders loved it. This event will consist of four different loops of approximately 50km that will take you into all the different zones of the diverse Wombat forest. You will ride through fern gullies with deep black soil, crest hills with stunted dry bush that appears almost Alpine, skate over rocky trails worn in by miners from 100 years ago, travel under thick overgrown tracks with moss covered ruts, pass through wet rainforest glades with trees as tall as the eye can see, ease down the red clay rutted Power Line track, dodge around puddles that could still have a 4WD buried just under the water, roost around pristine grass track special tests on private land and then catch your breath on the well maintained forest gravel roads.We aim for you entrants to have a great time and enjoy your riding. We know you will love all the great trails we have found for you. Yes, there will be challenges but also parts where you can just click through the gears and cruise. We will be setting times that are right for the average rider, so they won’t have to go silly to stay inside their 60-minute late allowance. But in the special tests – go nuts!

This event is a competitive Vintage Enduro, featuring the following classes:
* V1 Pre-1976; all capacities, all ages.
* V2 Pre-1980; all capacities, three separate age groups
* V3 Pre-1984; all capacities, three separate age groups
* V4 Pre-1988; all capacities, three separate age groups
* VW Women’s class, all capacities, all ages, any pre-1988 motorcycle
* VR Rally Class (non-competitive), any pre-1988 motorcycle (not scored at the Special Tests)

Awards: Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for V1, V2, V3 & V4 riders within 10% (gold) and 25% (silver) of the fastest rider’s time in that class and age group; and for bronze within 60 minutes late. About 100 km of vintage friendly trail on days 1,2 & 3, with a Day 3 final grass track moto. One grass track (Cross) special test and a bush (Enduro) test per loop

Competition classes: Refuel is at the Parc Ferme. If your bike won’t make 50 km provision will be made to take a fuel container out to the Special Tests which are about half way around the loops. Flip card timing at controls as well as digital clocks and special test timing with Richard Gates company (AORC, A4DE etc). There will be an Interstate 4-man Trophy Team Award and 3-man Club Team Award.

Rally class: Rally riders pay half the Expert entry and can nominate to ride 1, 2 or 3 days. Finishers medal only if riders complete all 3 days without houring out. Rally Riders do not ride the special and diversions will be in place around the trickier parts of the course.

Identification: Expert riders red number plate backgrounds, white numbers. Rally riders yellow, black numbers. Classes/age groups will be identified by number and letter.

Thursday: scrutineering and sign in, sound check etc. Impound/Parc Ferme open to take bikes. Closed 5pm.
Friday: scrutineering and sign in, sound check etc. Impound/Parc Ferme open to take bikes up until 10:30 when we have the riders briefing, 11am start in class order, 3 per minute. Riders cover two loops.
Saturday: Start time 9am. Riders cover two or three loops of 50 km (depending on the weather)
Sunday: Start time 9am. Riders cover two loops of 50 km (depending on the weather) and the Final Moto on top of that. The event finishes at the Final MX.
Note, each morning between 8-9am there will be scrutineering for Rally riders who decide to enter for that day only.

Headquarters: Cricket Oval Rooms, Recreation Reserve Rd, Blackwood. Parc Ferme: Tennis Court across from the Rec Oval.

Services: Mobile phone coverage (Telstra only), the Blackwood Pub, Post Office/convenience store and the Martin St Cafe. No fuel available. Ballan is 25 minutes away, Trentham 20 mins, Greendale Pub 15 mins.

Accommodation: Blackwood Caravan Park 53686539. Private B&Bs & rentals available. Hotels in Trentham, Ballan and Kyneton.

Please note: All details subject to change.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tossa on December 02, 2018, 03:16:06 am
Why pre88 why not pre95 as in  MA post classic MX etc.  Our vinduro club in WA is pre95, or is this just based on VERi club criteria.   Isn't one of the other vinduro club something like pre93

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: fred99999au on December 02, 2018, 01:09:18 pm
As the event is run by VERi and it is a pre'88 club.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tossa on December 02, 2018, 01:30:19 pm
So if that's the case it's not the Australian 3 day vintage enduro it is the VERi 3 day vintage enduro

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tex on December 02, 2018, 03:17:15 pm
As far as I know the classes for the FIM ISDE Vintage Trophy were used as a starting point, and adjusted slightly. I believe these same FIM rules were used for the vintage bikes at the A4DE this year as well, and there wasn’t a pre 95 class there either.

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: bigk on December 02, 2018, 06:35:33 pm
There are no rules for vinduro in the current MoMS, although there was talk a year or so ago of a faction preparing a set to be presented to MA for consideration as a national title event. Not sure if they were presented to the enduro commission or not, although it seems they weren't.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Butcher on December 02, 2018, 07:57:25 pm
another classic case of "you cant please everyone" I hope the event is successful and becomes an anual event
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: fred99999au on December 02, 2018, 08:02:44 pm
In my experience, there are few who take it seriously enough to require MoMS referenceing.

Not taking away from the guys who do take it seriously, more power to their arm, but if the average punter with an old dunger out for a ride with his mates gets short shifted, I can see a negative outcome.

Yes, I know we are mobile roadblocks and may impact your time, but it isnt racing for sheepstations.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tossa on December 02, 2018, 08:46:18 pm
I agree with all comments made before and good luck to the event in the context in which it is being run.  It just excludes those who ride a bike within the definition of classic etc, and is based on one clubs interpretation without (as far as I know) consultation with other clubs who are purely vinduro clubs and then are given the right to call the event "Australian", in a event that does not have any form of classification.  Seeing as the event is running under MA, MoMs must be applied in some context.  Seeing as vinduros are not recognised, then are bikes to be as per enduro bikes within MoMs.  I would love (as a club) to have been brought into the conversation regarding the classification of classes.

You turn an event into a competitive event MoMs definitely come into the equation.

Do not get me wrong this is a great step forward and I hope it is a resounding success, it's just a pity that some of us will not be able to ride our bikes, because of the restrictive nature of the classes.   Oh and I am a mobile chicane on my bike

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: GMC on December 02, 2018, 09:08:25 pm
Vinduro clubs in the country run their cut-off date in many different ways
The Four Day this year ran the Vintage class to FIM specs which is Pre86
There was a lot of interest in this event and so VERi have decided to cater to those that may be interested in another
VERi have tweaked the classes up to Pre 88 which is within the VERi charter.
VERi are running the event as an open event and welcome anyone in Australia (or even the world) to enter and as any club running an open we have decided to run our event our way.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Curtis on December 03, 2018, 09:37:34 am
Just cant win can you. I think this is a awsome step forward for the Vinduro comunity. VERI are running the meet and have decided its pre88...simple as that. (Im down with pre 95) but its not about just me. Get a pre88 bike and join in the fun or you can always run your own event.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: HVA61 on December 03, 2018, 10:50:14 am
The Motor Cycling Australia 2019 Calender has this event listed as a 3 Day Vintage Enduro , not the Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro. Can someone clarify this.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: matcho mick on December 03, 2018, 11:16:48 am
Just cant win can you. I think this is a awsome step forward for the Vinduro comunity. VERI are running the meet and have decided its pre88...simple as that. (Im down with pre 95) but its not about just me. Get a pre88 bike and join in the fun or you can always run your own event.

wheres the like button when you need it  :P
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tex on December 03, 2018, 12:37:40 pm
It’s been pointed out that there are no vinduro rules in the MoMS, and as far as I know all clubs running vinduros in Australia at the moment are doing them on a non-competitive basis, so individual clubs can make whatever call they like regarding eligibility for those. Even if vinduro regulations are added to the MoMS this will probably have no impact on non-competitive vinduros.

With no Australian vinduro competition regulations in place the FIM rules that have been used previously at the ISDE and A4DE for vintage purposes seem a logical place to start.  As previously mentioned, VERi has chosen to run with slightly modified version of these.

BTW, flow on models that are currently accepted at VERi events, will be ok for the A3VE.

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 04, 2018, 08:49:16 am
Woo Hoo, blackwood is a great ride. time to start training! beer intake up by 25% more car travel than walking. no push biking, bakery visits to be increased...well under way ;D
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Slakewell on December 04, 2018, 01:51:47 pm
Great to see more of these types of events being put on
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 05, 2018, 09:37:15 am
im going to sneak down and remove that rock that got me >:( :o
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: GMC on December 06, 2018, 04:44:28 pm
im going to sneak down and remove that rock that got me >:( :o

You might want to take a Bobcat with you and fill in a couple of gullies as well ;D
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on December 06, 2018, 06:21:07 pm
no problems with gullies in march geoff...but i wont be able to see "Ayers" in the dust so he has to go!
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: GMC on January 11, 2019, 11:24:56 pm
Supp regs should be out in a week or so and then we can release a lot of the finer details for the event.

Promo clip

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: GMC on January 16, 2019, 10:38:43 pm
Supp regs now out and entries now open
More details on the VERi website

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro (A3VE)
Post by: VERi on January 28, 2019, 09:19:09 pm
Work is coming along nicely with most of the four loops more or less mapped out. All loops are being put together specifically for vintage bikes, with interesting trails that won't be too difficult. At this stage we anticipate the longest loop will be approx 66 km in length. There will be at least one special test per loop, and a fuel dump will stationed at one of these. The longest distance to ride between fuel supplies will be about 44 km. 

Please note that it's worth getting entries in early to take advantage of the early-bird fee, plus work areas are being allocated by order of entry.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on January 29, 2019, 08:33:26 am
just filling out the form now...
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on February 05, 2019, 10:03:11 pm
Don't forget that there are classes for over 60 year olds in the V2, V3 & V4 divisions of the A3VE. No doubt these classes will be just as competitive as the other ones! We hope that as many more "experienced" riders as possible will take part in this event.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tex on February 19, 2019, 09:48:57 pm
Overseas riders who hold a current FIM competition licence can compete in the A3VE. To this end, Motorcycling Australia has created an INM – 490/41. Such riders would need to notify their own governing body before competing. Further questions about international riders competing at the A3VE should be directed to the Club Secretary via email – [email protected]

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: NSR on February 19, 2019, 11:28:14 pm

Entered. Going to be a good one. Huge thanks to Drakie for the chance to race this pretty little jigger.


Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on February 20, 2019, 07:36:55 am
just noticed this in the regs.." no gap between the rear sprocket and the chain guide, " How does a std 84 husky chain guide go in this regard??
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: bigk on February 21, 2019, 07:02:22 am
Same rule for classic MX. You must not be able to get your fingers between the chain & sprocket at the bottom (coz that's what happens while you're riding, wtf!). Your Husky is not compliant (most vintage bikes are not). Easy fix, about 1/2 hour's work & $10 for some alloy plate & a couple of bolts if you want to do it properly, or 3 minutes if you use an ice cream container lid & a couple of zip ties (got just about every bike through scrutineering at the 2017 Classic MX titles after MA put the rule back in the MoMS). Finding an ice cream container lid in the parc ferme may not be so easy though. I have plenty of photos of bikes which have been done but don't know how to load them on here.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on February 22, 2019, 09:58:31 pm
right .. ill deal with it >:(
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on February 28, 2019, 10:49:09 pm

UK import Tim Embleton raved about the 2018 Blackwood Vinduro course, which features as the first loop of the upcoming A3VE.

"I didn't know forest like this existed here! This is amazing! The variety of the terrain exceeded my expectations. Great trails, well marked too. I can't wait for the A3VE."

Don't miss the ride of the year, and get your entries in before March 8 to catch the Early Bird discount.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tex on February 28, 2019, 11:17:22 pm
just noticed this in the regs.." no gap between the rear sprocket and the chain guide, " How does a std 84 husky chain guide go in this regard??

Same rule for classic MX. You must not be able to get your fingers between the chain & sprocket at the bottom (coz that's what happens while you're riding, wtf!). Your Husky is not compliant (most vintage bikes are not). Easy fix, about 1/2 hour's work & $10 for some alloy plate & a couple of bolts if you want to do it properly, or 3 minutes if you use an ice cream container lid & a couple of zip ties (got just about every bike through scrutineering at the 2017 Classic MX titles after MA put the rule back in the MoMS). Finding an ice cream container lid in the parc ferme may not be so easy though. I have plenty of photos of bikes which have been done but don't know how to load them on here.

bigk's explanation is right, and hopefully the illustrations below help too:

(https://i.postimg.cc/Kv3dYSWv/chain-guard-correct.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
This is the correct arrangement. The guide covers the space where the chain meets the sprocket on the underside of the swingarm.

(https://i.postimg.cc/dVMgkNMR/chain-guard-wrong.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
There's no chain on this bike, but you get the idea... This is a non-compliant arrangement. This gap needs to be covered.


Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on March 05, 2019, 09:06:22 pm
ice cream container will be the go...
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on March 07, 2019, 08:43:28 pm
Please note that early bird entries close tomorrow (Friday 8 March).
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on March 07, 2019, 09:34:09 pm
just entered!
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: matcho mick on March 07, 2019, 10:37:24 pm
hey Tex,you wanna flip that bottom picture around,doing my head in, ;D :P
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: djr on March 08, 2019, 06:15:50 am
just noticed this in the regs.." no gap between the rear sprocket and the chain guide, " How does a std 84 husky chain guide go in this regard??

Same rule for classic MX. You must not be able to get your fingers between the chain & sprocket at the bottom (coz that's what happens while you're riding, wtf!). Your Husky is not compliant (most vintage bikes are not). Easy fix, about 1/2 hour's work & $10 for some alloy plate & a couple of bolts if you want to do it properly, or 3 minutes if you use an ice cream container lid & a couple of zip ties (got just about every bike through scrutineering at the 2017 Classic MX titles after MA put the rule back in the MoMS). Finding an ice cream container lid in the parc ferme may not be so easy though. I have plenty of photos of bikes which have been done but don't know how to load them on here.

bigk's explanation is right, and hopefully the illustrations below help too:

(https://i.postimg.cc/Kv3dYSWv/chain-guard-correct.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
This is the correct arrangement. The guide covers the space where the chain meets the sprocket on the underside of the swingarm.

(https://i.postimg.cc/dVMgkNMR/chain-guard-wrong.jpg) (https://postimages.org/)
There's no chain on this bike, but you get the idea... This is a non-compliant arrangement. This gap needs to be covered.

you often see people moaning about this rule, and it does seem an unlikely danger,  but I have a relative who actually fell off and somehow got his hand between chain and sprocket . 
This happened many years ago before any rules about chain guards .
 His hand is permanently damaged and still looks a mess, but he now thinks these chain guards are a good idea
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on March 08, 2019, 09:38:17 am
Thats the first time ive heard of that specific injury..thanks
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: huskibul on March 08, 2019, 02:24:17 pm
Reminds me of when i was around 13yrs old and moving my ts90 around in the shed in thongs and somehow ?? got my bigtoe caught in sprocket -bike went forward and punched a sprocket tooth straight thru big toenail then the whole lot came down on top of me hahaha! wasnt funny at the time nasty little honcho !????
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on March 08, 2019, 06:46:18 pm
ol mate had a ts 90...great little bike...suffered all kinds of teenage hell....
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: dont on March 09, 2019, 08:44:28 am
Thats the first time ive heard of that specific injury..thanks
Me too, but I've seen a few spills resulting from meaty sticks getting there and causing all sorts of strife.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: huskibul on March 10, 2019, 12:29:07 pm
ol mate had a ts 90...great little bike...suffered all kinds of teenage hell....
      Yeah ts90 was light years ahead of the clapped out bsa bantam it replaced -honcho was bulletproof   ;)
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on March 18, 2019, 09:33:36 pm
The A3VE gets a plug in the latest edition of Old Bike Australasia (#78).

And, hot off the press there's an A3VE ad in VMX magazine (#77).

Make sure you all support these publications that support our sport!

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on April 11, 2019, 09:01:36 pm
Got your A3VE entry in yet? Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of time to get yourself a position on the start line of the first edition of the Australian Three Day Vintage Enduro.

But be warned - We have brought the closing date for entries forward by a week from 17 May to 10 May 2019. This has been done to ease administrative pressure and free up time for us to take care of crucial tasks in the week leading up to the event.

Entries have been strong, but we’d really like to see some women enter this event, as there is a dedicated class (VW). Some more entries in the pre-1976 (V1) class would be nice too.

If you’re not riding we could definitely use a hand, especially in the week leading up to the start.  Contact Peter Drakeford on 0422 299 003 if you can help.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on April 14, 2019, 11:00:26 pm

Check out the marker arrows that we'll be using at the A3VE. They'll be colour coded for each day. The oval ones are to indicate that you should proceed straight on. We'll also be using some generic ones for 'wrong way', 'danger', etc.

Still plenty of time to enter, see you there!
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tex on May 02, 2019, 10:11:34 pm
If you want to compete in the A3VE, don't forget that entries close on May 10.  ;)

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: GMC on May 05, 2019, 08:06:45 pm
The A3VE is shaping up to be a good one, all permits in place, loops planned out, many workers standing by.
24 Kilometres of new bunting for the special tests at the ready thanks to Ballards
Countless many more kilometres of used bunting as well

Final Moto was mapped out today on gently rolling hills that would be the envy of any classic MX club and it has easy access for spectators and many vantage points for spectators as well

We have 11 Brands entered with 16 different models and 14 different capacities
Our oldest rider is 72 and we have riders from 5 States entered plus that Canberra mob

It should be awesome, wishing I was riding myself, if you’ve been thinking of entering get onto it quick as entries close very soon
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on May 06, 2019, 08:50:38 pm
good rain down that way forecast for this week so will not be dusty at any rate!! woo hoo slick as skid city..
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on May 14, 2019, 08:08:17 pm
Entries for competitors may have closed, but you can still participate in the first ever A3VE as a non competitive rider in the Rally Class.

Please note that the entry fee for the Rally Class is $150, whether you ride one, two or three days. There is also a $15 MA licence fee (unless you happen to have an annual MA licence), which means the total entry fee for most will be $165.

Rally riders must complete all three days to be eligible for a finisher's medal, however they will not do the special tests. If time allows, we may allow Rally Class entrants to ride the motocross test on Sunday (not at the same times as competitors, obviously).

Rally entries will be accepted at the event.

See you there!
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on May 22, 2019, 10:22:10 am
Tomorrow (Thursday) is sign-in/scrutineering for the A3VE. This can be done between 9am - 5pm. The riders briefing is in the hall at 8pm.

Final instructions are on the VERi website.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tex on May 22, 2019, 08:49:58 pm
Rally riders please note that there won't be separate riders briefings for you guys at the A3VE. If possible you should attend the full riders briefing on Thursday night.
Ask at sign-in for any daily updates, and scrutineering instructions.

Chief scrutineer Jamie Aked will be around the parc ferme all weekend.

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: GMC on May 25, 2019, 06:49:04 am
Results are starting to show on 'mylaps'
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: LWC82PE on May 25, 2019, 03:35:34 pm
Where abouts can we see a list of what bikes people are riding and photos of the event?
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: John Orchard on May 25, 2019, 03:38:55 pm
Where abouts can we see a list of what bikes people are riding and photos of the event?

Steve Davis on Facebook has been loading live videos.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: GMC on May 25, 2019, 05:24:48 pm
Where abouts can we see a list of what bikes people are riding and photos of the event?

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tex on May 25, 2019, 06:20:59 pm
Steve Davis on Facebook has been loading live videos.

There are heaps of photos and videos on his page.

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Tex on May 25, 2019, 11:18:50 pm
To see the heats list for final motocross on day 3 (Sunday) of the A3VE, click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser:


To see the progressive A3VE results as of day 2, click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser:


Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on May 26, 2019, 12:04:43 am

Where abouts can we see a list of what bikes people are riding and photos of the event?


Here's an updated version:


Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: LWC82PE on May 26, 2019, 11:44:18 am
Thanks for the list. Have not found Steve davis's photos page yet. Is it just under his name or a photo company name?
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Mick D on May 26, 2019, 03:36:17 pm

Where abouts can we see a list of what bikes people are riding and photos of the event?

I know Geoff Ballard will be on his factory 81 six day 490 Maico...

Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on July 23, 2019, 10:15:47 pm
The latest issue of Just Bikes (edition 19-13) released on 18 July 2019 has an in depth article, with lots of photos, about the 2019 A3VE. It’s in newsagents now, so go out and grab a copy!

The event is on track to be held again in 2020, so watch out for more details.
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: 80-85 husky on July 24, 2019, 06:30:58 am
Was just watching the DVD from Cliff and the final on board with GB is impressive....
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: Gday on July 24, 2019, 07:30:14 am
For anyone that missed it, The video of the A3VE is now available.
Options are DVD, Blu-Ray, Digital Download of individual titles such as Harrow 2014,
A4DE A Vintage Experience, Harrow 2018 Celebrating 10 Years, Verivinduro Blackwood 2018
And A3VE 3 Day Event 2019.  Or monthly subscription
giving you access to all titles and extra video content.
Everything is available from our on line store website https://www.clensmedia.com

And for those of you who want to go direct to the Vintage Enduro page
Please forward this on to other interested parties.
Thank you.
Regards, Cliff Elliott [email protected]

0433 897 942

Cliff Elliott

CEVE Services
P.O. Box 330 Somerville
Vic Australia 3912
Phone 03 5977 6438
Mobile 0433 897 942
[email protected]
Title: Re: 2019 Australian 3 Day Vintage Enduro
Post by: VERi on August 06, 2019, 07:57:28 pm
The latest edition of Australasian Dirt Bike (Sep 2019) has a report on the inaugural A3VE, with plenty of cool photos. Go out and buy a copy!