OzVMX Forum
Clubroom => General Discussion => Topic started by: evo550 on June 15, 2012, 12:16:09 am
I have been watching a silencer on ebay for about 3 months now for $99, so I contacted the seller and requested a shipping price, to which he promptly replied and it bought the total including shipping to $152.50. Now being a simple Aussie, I like round numbers, so I messaged back, "Lets make it a round $150 and you have a deal", to which he replied "NO DEAL, $152.50, take it or leave it."....... ::)
Now I'm the type of guy that if I've been trying to sell something for 3 months, I will take a $2.50 loss to move it. My wife on the other hand would rather not sell at all for the sake of $2.50...so my question is,
Which one are you?
3 Months, I'd take the $150, in fact I'd take any offer down to $130 and be grateful. It's what VMX part you can buy with your $130 that matters ;D "NO DEAL, $152.50, take it or leave it." Where is the courtesy? Sounds like a knob to me.
Well my view has always been you can't walk into Coles or Woolies and barter them down in price.
If you contacted the seller and said look I'm keen to buy at a lesser price and then asked for the shipping cost I would be ok with that, but if you have just asked for the shipping costs sounds like you are ok with the price??
The take it or leave is a bit tough, funny how we perceive what people say in writing without known them?
$152.50 was the deal , so whats your point.
Experienced the same thing a while back. The seller assumed that by asking the shipping cost I had agreed to a price when I was actually trying to find out shipping so there were no surprises after agreeing a purchase price.
I would think that if you asked for the shipping price before saying I will buy the item then you are trying to work out if the total cost is within your budget.
If you negotiate $5 off the price then ask for shipping often the seller just adds the $5 back onto the shipping cost. That has happened to me much to often.
Ebay even allows you to ask about shipping before bidding or buying.
In my case the seller seemed to assume I was asking for a discounted shipping rate
Eg item $180 shipping quote $32 total $212
I offered $200 total
The seller went off a little about me trying to rip him off on postage cost. I tried to explain that my offer was $168 + $32 postage but he didn’t see it that way :-\
3 months or not;$2.50 is not too much either way.There are a lot of the many different types who make up this weird and wonderfull world on ebay.p
I always wonder how it makes sense to keep the thing you want to sell, rather than reduce the price by $2.50 ...
Like most of us, I've got hundreds of stories of the greedy idiots who are trying to sell stuff. The one that springs to mind was the almost immaculate old car that had a damaged chassis rail - he wanted $400, I offered $250 and was told that I was dreaming - $400 or nothing. I left my number, and said that id think about whether i could scrape up the extra cash.
Two days later, the seller got the scrappies to take it away - so he got nothing for it, which was somehow better than $250?!
Makes me wonder whether its,"pincipal or stupidity.p
Wasp,I think you are right.p
Ever dollar counts when your on centerlink and makin extra income.More tax evastion and clamp downs are a continual dollar burden of our economy.just sayin.
I think its principal . We dont know how long this bloke had to put up with tossers :D. maybe he is just feed up with answering silly questions and sending pics to fruitless inquiries that waist more time than what the sale is worth . There are some funny keyboard "buyers" out there ;)
Selling the item solves all of those problems. ???
Cranky old German bloke I used to work with, was selling 400 12-gauge shells at a good price. The only bloke to ring up engaged in traditional Aussie style haggling, and offered him $10 less than the ask.
So he told the bloke to fork off, and then spent the next three hours hacksawing 400 shot gun shells into pieces.
Principles are one thing, but there's also a saying about cutting your nose off to spite your face...
I’m the one that whenever I want to buy something it turns out to be sought after and I’m never quick enough to get it.
But when I am trying to sell something it turns out to be out of fashion and I can’t give it away.
id say get forked its probally only $35 in postage you profitter twat, and im happy to pay the actual postage the post office charges when you put it in a snesible box, so take it or leave it ya knob. ;)
I allways ask the question to me I love to haggle ;D
There is a a KTM piston thats been on ebay for about 2 years now and the only reason I havent bought it is the guy wont drop his price a little bit.
I understand the haggle as good as the next guy , however if its an auction with a reserve and the product for sale meets it's reserve or the product is a buy it now senario why make an offer , it doesnt make sense.
If the product was buy it now with a make an offer , "i get it"
I'm led to believe that everything is negotiable, within reason. You have got to ask, and if you suceed, you feel as though you have had a little win. Won't budge on $2.50, as if that small loss is going to cripple the seller!
I love the haggle, mainly when I'm buying because it feels like a win.
The art is in working out how much they need to unload the item, Im always reluctant to sell stuff and I rarely advertise it, always word of mouth.
The thrill of the chase.
If I get someone who doesn't think the discount I have offered is generous enough then I ask them to take that amount of discount out of their wallet and just throw it away down the street. The usual reaction is that that would be a less than sensible action - but when I point out that thats exactly what I have just done for them things get back into perspective. :)
If I get someone who doesn't think the discount I have offered is generous enough then I ask them to take that amount of discount out of their wallet and just throw it away down the street. The usual reaction is that that would be a less than sensible action - but when I point out that thats exactly what I have just done for them things get back into perspective. :)
If you could have sold it for the full ask, you never would have offered the discount. ;D ;D
Got a good-hearted lecture from the wrecker in Goulburn once, about how he had to make money and his wife was sick of eating rabbit all the time (and that's why he was sticking to his too-high prices).
Funny thing was that the amount of money I put straight back into my wallet would have fed his whole family in the best restaurant in Goulburn, but he'd prefer to have the dusty old bike parts sitting on his shelf until the day he dies. ???
Seriously, I understand wreckers are different to normal retailers, as they don't always get the stock they want.
But lots of conventional retailers do stuff completely against what I learned back in the day.
If I get someone who doesn't think the discount I have offered is generous enough then I ask them to take that amount of discount out of their wallet and just throw it away down the street. The usual reaction is that that would be a less than sensible action - but when I point out that thats exactly what I have just done for them things get back into perspective. :)
Spot on!
I might let you take me down a few hundred on the bike but I'll be removing that amount in parts before you pick it up..... :D
Nathan , please buy into our business and show us the way its done ;) As old dinosaurs need a good shakeup from a government trained executive ;) ;D
Spent eight years in retail before I got my trade. I don't pretend to be a guru, and I understand that lots of stuff has changed since then, but I've watched a lot of businesses fail or underperform because they're run by blokes who break a lot of the basic rules - including thinking that their existance is a favour to their customers.
If I get someone who doesn't think the discount I have offered is generous enough then I ask them to take that amount of discount out of their wallet and just throw it away down the street. The usual reaction is that that would be a less than sensible action - but when I point out that thats exactly what I have just done for them things get back into perspective. :)
If you could have sold it for the full ask, you never would have offered the discount. ;D ;D
Got a good-hearted lecture from the wrecker in Goulburn once, about how he had to make money and his wife was sick of eating rabbit all the time (and that's why he was sticking to his too-high prices).
Funny thing was that the amount of money I put straight back into my wallet would have fed his whole family in the best restaurant in Goulburn, but he'd prefer to have the dusty old bike parts sitting on his shelf until the day he dies. ???
Seriously, I understand wreckers are different to normal retailers, as they don't always get the stock they want.
But lots of conventional retailers do stuff completely against what I learned back in the day.
Best restaurant in Goulburn? You big spender you - what were you buying, a spark plug? :D
The point isn't that you can't always afford to give a discount, but its that you are offering a compromise TO GET THE SALE. Being hard nosed at either end doesn't help but each sale is different and if either party isn't happy then its no sale, not a problem. Some people can't be made happy unless you give them money as well as the parts.......
$152.50 was the deal , so whats your point.
......I wasn't making a point, just asking if it was yours would you keep it or drop the price by $2.50 and make the sale....read the post.
Best restaurant in Goulburn? You big spender you - what were you buying, a spark plug? :D
The point isn't that you can't always afford to give a discount, but its that you are offering a compromise TO GET THE SALE. Being hard nosed at either end doesn't help but each sale is different and if either party isn't happy then its no sale, not a problem. Some people can't be made happy unless you give them money as well as the parts.......
Well, there's a good restaurant in Yass - I assume there's one at least as good in Goulburn...
Your point about the compromise to make the sale is spot on. I was always told to ask myself "what do you need to make the sale?". Obviously, there are times when you can't realistically do enough to make the customer happy, but the sale you actually make is always more profitable than the sale you don't make...
I understand the haggle as good as the next guy , however if its an auction with a reserve and the product for sale meets it's reserve or the product is a buy it now senario why make an offer , it doesnt make sense.
If the product was buy it now with a make an offer , "i get it"
"Thats the point"
$2.50? you have wasted that much in electricity on your computer worrying about it.
"the sale you actually make is always more profitable than the sale you dont make"
Sort of clashes with the adage "an item is bought because it's worth more to the buyer than the money being spent"
Conversly if you sell, the money is worth more than the item.
Not seeing the clash there, Pancho?
I do like the adages you've used though.
Hey Steve
Not all of us have a Welsh Wr250 main frame server that would absorb $2.50 worth of power just to fire it up ;D
$2.50? you have wasted that much in electricity on your computer worrying about it.
The thing that stands here to the debate is not the amount , but purely the principal . And thats where the different types of people come into . Some people are successive by ducking and weaving through their life looking for the point of least resistance and the easiest way out . It works for some , they usually survive . Then there is the ones with principles , they usually encounter much resistance , for the straight line they walk in life . Few fall and some walk to the end to receive the awards. Its the harder way , I have to agree . Who is wrong and who is right ?
To give you a good example , when the day comes when I really want to move all my chrome trolleys and the tones of XS stuff 100% once and for all , Then I will ( or the executer of my will ) advertise that stuff at very reasonable price for a certain period . Once the period is up , it will go to Sims. The crushing documented by U tube, for the fence sitters and cheap charlys to enjoy . Some people could call this stupidity and I would call it principal . Who is right and who is wrong ?
Hey Wasp , No ones getting my stash Im taking it with me . Iain
Hey Wasp , No ones getting my stash Im taking it with me . Iain
.....and here I was going to offer you $2.50 for it... ;)