I don't think the fact that how fast i was on any particular bike should be part of an eligibility issue at all. Such as 'he could have won on a pre 75 bike'.Thats just not what vmx racing is about. Nor is it a legitimate excuse for having incorrect parts on your bike. My main rant has always been bikes should ride in there era, period. I also think that a bike should represent itself as close to when it came out of the factory. As close as humanly possible. The exceptions are, period aftermarket parts and parts that are allowed as per rules that are set (e.g. handlebars, new shocks etc).
also through my rants i have found out that my forks are incorrect ( wish i had of found out in a different way! ). My forks are not good enough. I want to comply ( they have 78 staunchings and air caps).
If we don't keep our bikes as close to the way they came from the factory, they would end up all hot rods riding where ever they want to. Thats a heap of all in races.
Also when talking about era racing, there are always examples of exceptions to the rule. Such as 84 Huskys blah blah. IMO that bike (guy) has the choice of which class he can ride. From what i can gather the chance of winning lotto might be better than actually seeing one at a race day ( I pulled that out of my arse and am probably be wrong).