I have been trying to get a 38mm round slide Mikuni to run correctly on my '80 Montesa Vf250. The present status is.
1) Bike runs perfectly with the OEM 38mm Bing. The carbie is worn (both body and slide) which makes low speed running slightly erratic and hard to start particularly cold. The bikes runs perfectly mid range and top end although is getting progressively harder to start and tune at low speed.
2) Engine is in good condition. Standard bore, new piston and ring, exhaust is clean (internally), new clean 'twin air' filter element, New NGK plug (not iridium) of correct heat range, standard Motoplat ingition timing checked and re-checked, new plug cap.
3) 25:1 silkolene with Caltex 98.
4) with the Mikuni installed and bike running there are no air leaks on the engine side. I did find a large air leak and thought I had found the problem but NO
. Have checked for air leaks with bike idling and spraying all joints with aerostart. Bike does not change speed and there is no effect on engine operation at all. If I spray enough I start to get high but the bike idles on perfectly
5) Mikuni set up is 38mm VM, 3.5 slide cut away, 6FJ6 needle, 159#Q6 neede jet, 35 pilot, 280 main. The carbie is new and I have checked all passages, jets and circuits clear. It does have long overflow hoses (250mm) instead of the standard short ones. The settings are similar to Husky, Bully and Maico values I have seen. The carbie and setup was supplied by a very highly regarded Montesa specialist.
The problem.
The bike starts easily and warms up with the choke for 30 sec then choke off. The bike will rev freely in neutral with plenty of smoke and the engine sounds crisp and responsive once the warm.
When I try to ride the bike the moment I try to move off in gear, once the throttle is opened the slightest amount under load the engine just dies away instantly and stops. I have tried adjusting the idle mixture both richer (in) or leaner (out) by progressive steps of 1/4 turn at a time until fully in and 4 turns out these adjustments seem to have little effect on idle mixture. There is a
slight increase in fast idle speed at 1 turn out from idle screw fully in.
If I scream the engine and slip the clutch until moving (basically a race start) the bike takes off and as long as it is in the the top half of the rev range goes great.
I have increased the pilot jet from 35 to 45 with very little change in the behavior described above.
A number of other Montesa 250 riders have fitted these carbies with this setup and have had no problems. I remove the Mikuni and reinstall the bing and bingo
the bike runs perfectly again.
Any suggestions
HELP please :'(