in over 20yrs of sending,local,& o/seas,oz post has delivered my f/glass products to some pretty out of the way places with absolutely no probs,except to tassie,it sat in the "other" Hobart post office for 4 weeks,i was about to send replacement when it finally turned up??,i might occasionally (quitely) bitch about pricing,but it averages out ,it's actually cheaper to send os than interstate,WA,NT are scary states (from NSW),race fairings are my biggest headache,big box,no weight,usually cubes out to 70kgs,which is tricky when max allowable is up to 20kgs
,(interstate customers didn't believe it when their fairing carton arrived with 2 matcho flywheels (cast iron) shoved in to make the weight up,(closer to the 20kgs the cheaper it got,go figure??)sometimes takes me longer to package up stuff than too actually make it,so no bitching about packaging costs
,so oz post no wukkers